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J <br /> DG11 9 <br /> Brown asked if there were other reasons for such a long period of time for <br /> development. Mr.Kelly responded it was basically the problem with getting the turn <br /> lane in place prior to developing the next phase. The first phase has been sold out. <br /> Surveyor,Steve Yuhasz,noted that one of the conditions of approval was that the <br /> turn lane be completed before any of the other phases could be submitted. The hold <br /> up of the completion of the turn lane has been the major cause of delay. <br /> MOTION: Strayhom moved approval as recommended by the Planning Staff. Seconded by <br /> Hoecke. <br /> VOTE: 8 in favor. <br /> 2 opposed(Barrows and Brown-felt that two years was adequate for development <br /> and extension should not be granted). <br /> (2) University Manor <br /> (61 Lots-Chapel Hill Township) <br /> Presentation by Mary Willis. <br /> Copies of the abstract information,comments from the County Attorney,comments <br /> from NCDOT and the Resolution of Approval are attachments to these minutes on <br /> pages <br /> Willis distributed a table regarding payment-in-lieu for this subdivision and noted <br /> that the credit for dedication of the 30-acre park site exceeds the payment-in-lieu <br /> requirement. A copy of the table is an attachment to these minutes on page <br /> Willis reviewed the information regarding the water supply and emphasized the State <br /> and local procedural requirements related to community wells. <br /> Brooks referred to the concern regarding the extension of public water lines in case <br /> the community wells proved inadequate asking who would have to pay for such <br /> extensions. Willis responded that she felt it would be the responsibility of the <br /> individual homeowners. <br /> Allison asked if it was true that individual wells could be drilled on each lot. Willis <br /> responded that the Environmental Health Department,based on the general locations <br /> of the septic systems and the size of the lots,had indicated such an option is <br /> possible. <br /> Willis reviewed the information regarding the drainage easements noting it had been <br /> incorporated into the Resolution of Approval. She also noted that the comments <br /> from the County Attorney have been addressed in the revised Preliminary Plan <br /> and/or included in the Resohition of Approval. <br /> The Planning Staff recommends approval of the Resolution of Approval for the <br /> University Manor Phase II Preliminary Plan. <br /> Brown asked how many acres of the park have been dedicated thus far,including <br /> this Preliminary Plan. Willis responded that when the first phase was done, <br /> payment-in-lieu was required of approximately 54,000.00. At that time,it was not <br /> known that a single developer would be interested in the entire development. <br /> However the issue arose that if,at some point there was parkland dedication,it <br />