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885 COUNTIES $ 153A-225.1 3 <br /> I <br /> `. health, or welfare of persons confined mental health, developmental disabilities, and sub- <br /> therein. The court may affirm, modify, or stance abuse authority, if it is adequate to protect <br /> reverse the Secretary's order.(1947,c.915; the health and welfare of the prisoners. Upon a <br /> 1967,c.581,a.2;1973,c.476,s.138;c.822, determination that the plan is adequate to protect <br /> s. 1; 1981,c. 614,as. 20,21; 1983,c. 745,s. the health and welfare of the prisoners, the plan <br /> 8; 1987,c.827,s. 1;1987(Reg.Seas.,1988), must be adopted by the governing body. <br /> c. 1037, s. 123.) As a part of its plan,each unit may establish fees i J! <br /> of not more than ten dollars($10.00)per incident for 1 <br /> 4 153A-224. Supervision of local confinement the provision of nonemergency medical care to pris- . <br /> facilities, oners. In establishing fees pursuant to this section, <br /> (a) No person may be confined in a local confine- each unit shall establish a procedure for waiving i j <br /> fees for indigent prisoners. <br /> ment facility unless custodial personnel are present <br /> (b) If a prisoner in a local confinement facility � <br /> and available to provide continuous supervision in dies,the medical examiner and the coroner shall be , <br /> order that custody will be secure and that,in event ` <br /> of emergency,such as fire,illness,assaults by other notified immediately. Within five days after the day <br /> r of the death, the administrator of the facility shall ;. j) <br /> tcted. These personnel shall supervise prisoners ieoaers, or otherwise, the prisoners can be pro- make a written report to the local or district health <br /> director and to the Secretary of Environment, <br /> closely enough to maintain safe custody and control k <br /> and to be at all times informed of the prisoners' Health,and Natural Resources. The report shall be � <br /> general health and emergency medical needs. made on forms developed and distributed by the <br /> (b) In a medical emergency,the custodial person- Department of Environment, Health, and Natural ,t <br /> nel shall secure emergency medical care from a Resources. <br /> licensed physician according to the unit's plan for (c) If a person violates any provision of this sec- <br /> medical care.If a physician designated in the plan is lion (including the requirements regarding G.S. I! . <br /> not available, the personnel shall secure medical 130-97 and 130-121), he is guilty of a Class 1 <br /> services from any licensed physician who is avail- misdemeanor. (1967, c. 581, s. 2; 1973, c. 476, as. ' <br /> able. The unit operating the facility shall pay the 128, 138;c.822,s. 1;1973,c. 1140,s.3;1989,c.727, <br /> oast of emergency medical services unless the in- s.204; 1991,c. 237,s. 2; 1993 c. 539,s. 1062; 1994, ti ' <br /> mate has third-party insurance, in which case the Ex. Seas.,c. 24,a. 14(c); 1995!c. 385,a. 1.) ' <br /> third-party insurer shall be the initial payor and the <br /> medical provider shall bill the third-party insurer. 1153A-225.1. Duty of custodial personnel <br /> The county shall only be liable for costs not reim- when prisoners are unconscious or semicon- <br /> bursed by the third-party insurer,in which event the scious. <br /> county may recover from the inmate the cost of the <br /> non-reimbursed medical services. (a) Whenever a custodial officer of a local confine- <br /> (c) If a person violates any provision of this sec- meat facility takes custody of a prisoner who is <br /> lion,he is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.(1967,c. unconscious, semiconscious, or otherwise appar- <br /> 581,s.2; 1973,c.822,s. 1; 1993,c.510,a. 1;c.539, ently suffering from some disabling condition and <br /> s. 1061; 1994,Ex. Sees.,c. 24, s. 14(c).) unable to provide information on the causes of the ; <br /> condition, the officer should make a reasonable ef- , <br /> t 4 153A 226. Medical care of prisoners. fort to determine if the prisoner is wearing a brace- N <br /> let or necklace containing the Medic Alert Founda- <br /> (a) Each unit that operates a local confinement lion's emergency alert symbol to indicate that the <br /> facility shall develop a plan for providing medical prisoner suffers from diabetes, epilepsy, a cardiac A. <br /> care for prisoners in the facility.The plan condition or any other form of illness which would <br /> (1) Shall be designed to protect the health and cause a loss of consciousness. If such a symbol is Ij <br /> • welfare of the prisoners and to avoid the found indicating that the prisoner suffers from one <br /> �- spread of contagious disease; of those conditions,the officer must make a reason- <br /> (2) Shall provide for medical supervision of able effort to have appropriate medical care pro- A <br /> prisoners and emergency medical care for vided. <br /> prisoners to the extent necessary for their (b) Failure of a custodial officer of a local confine- <br /> health and welfare; meat facility to make a reasonable effort to discover <br /> (3) Shall provide for the detection,examination an emergency alert symbol as required by this ( <br /> st and treatment of prisoners who are infected section does not by itself establish negligence of the <br /> ' with tuberculosis or venereal diseases. officer but may be considered along with other d <br /> Q The unit shall develop the plan in consultation with evidence to determine if the officer took reasonable <br /> appropriate local officials and organizations,includ- precautions to ascertain the emergency medical '� ! <br /> .• ing the sheriff, the county physician, the local or needs of the prisoner in his custody. jEt <br /> cstrict health director,and the local medical society. (c) A prisoner who is provided medical care under <br /> The plan must be approved by the local or district the provisions of this section is liable for the reason- <br /> health director after consultation with the area able costs of that care unless he is indigent. �! <br /> � ProetcLu-►'�- <br />