Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures <br /> Section 2.22: Home Occupations <br /> There are no changes iral stormwater measures that are designed, constructed and mai fined <br /> proposed on this page. It rdance with the NC DWQ Stormwater BMP Design Manual, roved <br /> p included n is page ting tool, and requirements listed in Section 6.14 will be sumed to meet <br /> p uired performance standards of Section 6.14. Submi s containing <br /> context for the next page res not designed to these specifications, may be proved on a case by <br /> asis provided the applicant provides adequa data and information <br /> ow the deviations meet the requirem s of Section 6.14. <br /> (C) Plan Approval <br /> The Erosion Control Officer i uthorized approve any Stormwater Management Plan <br /> which is in conformance with the rf ance standards specified in the NC DWQ <br /> Stormwater BMP Design Manual her requirements of this Ordinance. <br /> (D) Approved Plana Prereq ' e <br /> The Erosion Control icer is not authorized to is any permits for development on <br /> any land that is fined as new development under Se ' n 6.14 of this Ordinance <br /> unless and it a Stormwater Management Plan in compli a with the requirements of <br /> this Or ' nce has been approved. <br /> (E) D ign of Permanent Nutrient Export Reduction Structural Storm ter Measures <br /> When a permanent nutrient export reduction structural stormwater measure I equired <br /> for new development to meet the requirements of this Ordinance, a North Caroli <br /> registered professional engineer shall prepare the plan with the Engineer's Certificati of <br /> Stormwater Management affixed, signed, sealed and dated. <br /> • 2.22: HOME OCCUPATIONS <br /> 2.22.1 Application Requirements <br /> (A) An application for a Home Occupation Permit shall be filed with the Planning Director on <br /> forms provided by the Planning Department. <br /> (B) Application forms shall be prepared so that when completed a full and accurate <br /> description of the proposed use, including its location, appearance, and operational <br /> characteristics are disclosed. <br /> (C) An application shall include a plot plan that adheres to the requirements of Sections 2.4.3 <br /> and 5.5.3. <br /> 2.22.2 Conditions of Approval _ <br /> (A) If conditions are attached to the approval of a permit, they may address deficiencies in <br /> meeting specific Ordinance requirements or they may address specific impacts which <br /> result from the operation of the home occupation. <br /> (B) If conditions address specific impacts which result from the operation of the home <br /> occupation, the conditions may include, but not be limited to the following limitations: <br /> (1) Hours of operation; <br /> (2) Number of vehicles to be parked on the premises; <br /> (3) The location of an accessory building, storage area or parking on the property. <br /> (C) The Planning Director may require greater setbacks and/or additional landscaping or <br /> screening to adequately screen the home occupation from adjoining properties. <br /> 2.22.3 Application Approval <br /> (A) If the application is approved, either with or without conditions, the Planning Director shall <br /> send the applicant a permit letter informing him/her of the approval and of the <br /> requirements of the Ordinance that apply to the home occupation. <br /> Orange County,North Carolina—Unified Development Ordinance Page 2-63 <br />