Orange County NC Website
The efforts culminated with an October 30, 2013 Information - Sharing Session held at the Solid <br />Waste Operations Center meeting room on Eubanks Road, where 32 residents and interested <br />parties attended a meeting and discussed the value of a potential fair, possible components and <br />activities, locations, and what organizations or persons should be involved in further event <br />planning. This information, along with a distillation of previous conversations and discussions, <br />was compiled into the Working Group report. Additional outreach has been conducted to ask <br />the organizations and the general public for feedback on the themes and ideas of the Working <br />Group, both via brief written survey questions and an online survey. <br />As shown in the attached report, the following primary findings or themes are proposed for the <br />Board's consideration: <br />• A county fair could offer the opportunity to celebrate the many unique historical, social, <br />cultural, and creative aspects of Orange County, and create a community - building event <br />bringing together residents from all across the county to an event that also offers <br />entertainment, recreation and economic development potential. <br />• As an initial event, the Working Group recommends a two -day Friday- Saturday event. <br />Friday would be targeted to encourage field trips from local schools. <br />• While a fall date in late- September was initially proposed and discussed, the Working <br />Group recognized that a fall 2015 event was too distant in the future. In the interest of <br />launching a fair sooner, the Group identified an alternative window of late -April for <br />a Spring 2015 fair. This spring fair could be seen as a test run, and a decision on <br />whether future fairs should be fall or spring could be made after gleaning the experience <br />of a first -run in Spring 2015. <br />• A number of possible sites for a potential fair were examined, with two sites visited and <br />explored in more detail. After deliberation, the Working Group found consensus around <br />the idea of using the future Blackwood Farm Park site on NC 86 and New Hope Church <br />Road between Chapel Hill and Hillsborough. This 152 -acre site is located near the <br />population center of the county, is owned by the County, has easy access to Interstate <br />40, and has been used for similar festivals and events. Infrastructure and logistical <br />issues will need to be addressed, but many of these are consistent with planned future <br />improvements in the adopted Capital Investment Plan. <br />• The fair as conceptually - proposed would be structured around five primary themes, with <br />an overarching sustainability theme and a number of sub - themes and activities possible <br />within this framework. These five main themes are: <br />o Agriculture, local food and restaurants <br />o Arts and local artists <br />• Orange County's diverse history <br />• Schools, education and youth, and <br />o Live music <br />The fair as envisioned would also include some attractions for children, including traditional and <br />non - traditional rides and games. <br />