Orange County NC Website
5 <br />5. Options and Recommendations: <br />The criteria and decision factors for recommended space study action that are <br />suggested for Board adoption are as follows: <br />a. Making decisions based upon the before - mentioned guiding principles: <br />• Consolidation <br />• Centralization <br />• Ownership <br />• Sustainable building operation and programming <br />• Cost and benefit analysis <br />b. Minimizing under - utilized spaces <br />c. Formulating reasonable, defensible courses of action for stressed facilities <br />d. Providing exceptional facilities for County service delivery <br />e. Meeting longstanding, publicly supported needs <br />f. Recognizing, anticipating, and planning for growth (and contraction) trends <br />6. Timeline and Horizon: <br />Staff will recommend space need prioritization, scheduling and funding sources to the <br />Board for comment and adoption each fall prior to the annual Capital Investment <br />Planning process. <br />This space study framework is recommended to be fully updated every 5—" year, with <br />annual status reports to be presented to the Board each fall before the budget season. <br />These updates may serve as a vehicle to recognize and address the trends and <br />strategic directions and receive Board guidance outside of the budget process. <br />This space study framework will be used for a systematic study of County facility <br />space needs in 2013. <br />