Orange County NC Website
Informal Resident Advisory Work Group <br />Cedar Grove Community Center <br />July 30, 2013 <br />Page 2of5 <br />15 <br />On July 30, 2013 a meeting of the Cedar Grove Community Center Informal Resident Advisory Work Group was <br />held at the Northern Human Services Center. The following items were discussed; <br />• David Stancil opened the meeting with some housekeeping items <br />• The group was reminded of a public meeting at the Cedar Grove Center on August 8th from 5:00 pm to <br />7:00 pm being held by the Orange County Planning Review and Transportation Department to discuss <br />transportation options for the northern portion of Orange County. The options discussed will include a <br />possible "park and ride" lot being located at the site as well as potential for bus service to the site. It was <br />also stated that transportation would be provided to this meeting and Mr. Stancil provided a phone <br />number to the group to call if they needed transportation. <br />• Copies of the background information for the project will be available for the advisory board members at <br />the next meeting. <br />• John Thomas reviewed some of the project constraints that were discussed at the last meeting for those that did <br />not attend the last meeting <br />• Only 10,000 square feet of renovation that has been funded. That area does not include the existing <br />bathrooms. <br />• The concept of "mothballing" versus "deconstruction" of the classroom wings. Jeff Thompson stated at <br />the last meeting that the $250,000 budgeted for deconstruction could be used for "mothballing" if that <br />was what undertaken. <br />• Mothballing of the wings would require installation of minimal HVAC to maintain conditioning, upgrade <br />of the fire alarm to meet code and fire rated isolation of the classroom wings. <br />• To meet the charge from the Commissioners, two alternate approaches will need to be developed, the <br />mothball plan based on reusing existing bathrooms and a no mothball plan developing new replacement <br />bathrooms. <br />• The existing septic tank has a 2,400 gallon a day capacity, the building if fully utilized requires 3,500 <br />gallon a day capacity. The park has been allocated 1,000 gallons a day of the capacity for its septic system. <br />Therefore, 1,400 gallons of capacity are available for the renovated facility. <br />■ There was discussion regarding whether the 1,000 gallon a day figure included the planned <br />bathrooms in Phase 2 of the park. Lori stated that she would research this and report back. <br />• Phase 2 of the park is not planned to be constructed for at least 5 years. <br />• Copies of the phase II plan for the park where made available at the meeting for all member of <br />the group. <br />• The county environmental health department has done a preliminary review of the septic system <br />and believed that 1,400 gallon a day was enough capacity for a "reasonable" 10,000 square foot <br />community center. <br />■ That assessment assumed the facility would not have a commercial kitchen, but could have an <br />"instructional" or "church kitchen ". <br />o Currently the existing building is only occupied by Parks and Recreation. The one full time park <br />employee is currently using the largest existing office space. Space for the park employee will be required <br />in the renovated facility. <br />■ In addition there will need to be an office for a recreation department employee if Parks and <br />Recreation are managing the Center. <br />■ Who will be running the facility has not been determined. <br />• The existing playgrounds adjacent to the classroom wing have to remain or be replaced as these were <br />erected using grant money. <br />• The site is located within a "critical" watershed and the impervious surface will be limited to 6% of the <br />total area. Gravel parking lots are counted as "impervious" surface. <br />