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See attached - 7 b - Question 4 A - Commissioner Goirdon - Alternate Whitted lBoCC <br /> See attached _ 7-b - Question 4 IB - Commissioner Goirdon _Whitted Office 1 ayout <br /> 5. For the three designs in the agenda packet, is there any difference in what would actually <br /> be constructed? |f so, what is the cost of constructing each of the three designs? <br /> No, the three plans show the same space being used -for three different types of <br /> meetings. <br /> Thank you. <br /> Alice Gordon <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about Sheriff input in the threat assessment work. <br /> Jeff Thompson said he met with sheriff's staff this morning, and staff favored the green <br /> room for threat assessment. He said the Sheriff recommended the Commissioners enter <br /> through the rear of the building, and he recommended three entrances to the meeting room. <br /> He said the sheriff was satisfied with the ballistics protection of the dais and the room. <br /> Commissioner Gordon referred to the fourth plan. There is the alternate Board of <br /> County Commissioners lay out which shows less space for the meeting room and more rooms <br /> for offices and other uses. She noted that the space study will be coming back later, and she <br /> noted that there is still flexibility to add another conference room and to further divide the flex <br /> space. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said another department may want to use some space here for <br /> recreation space or office space. She said she wants to underscore the need for flexibility, <br /> and the ability to have this flexibility makes her more comfortable with the plan. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked about the timing of the technology discussion. <br /> Ken Redfoot said this will be done over the next two months. He said there is a <br /> consultant already on board and details will be nailed down. <br /> Commissioner Rich said her concern is mostly that there be availability and capability <br /> for web streaming and television viewing to provide access and transparency for the public. <br /> Commissioner Oorosin asked about the maximum capacity for seating. <br /> Ken Redfoot said the Fire Marshall has set this number at294 people. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin suggested the use of mobile screens to address the issues with <br /> presentation visibility for the audience and guests. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he appreciates what has been brought forward and he feels <br /> other boards will be attracted to use the space once itiscompleted. He asked if staff isstill <br /> confident on staying within the approved budget. <br /> Ken Redfoot said yes. He said there will be another cost estimate of work done soon, <br /> but right now his staff is working within the Board's budget. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the plan fora smaller space. She feels this limits how <br /> the space can beused. She said at this point she is leaning against the use of flex space for <br /> conference rooms. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there are very few large meeting rooms for the public, and the <br /> opportunity to have one here atVVhitted is a rare opportunity. He said he would like to start <br /> with the premise that the bigger the space, the more it will beused. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked when the technology plan will come back, and if it is <br /> m <br /> possible h» have it sooner than November 5 <br />