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Jeff Thompson said if the schematic design is approved the team would prepare final <br /> design documents over the next two months, before bringing them back for a final look. He <br /> said after this is approved the plan will be put out to market to receive bids before Christmas, <br /> and construction will begin in the winter. The estimated completion date is June of 2014. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said it is not clear to her where participants for joint meetings <br /> will have a view of a screen. She noted that those elected officials, as well as other <br /> participants will need to have a view of the presentations that are made. <br /> Ken Redfoot said this would need to be examined. He did not realize the importance of <br /> that angle, but this will be considered in the next level of design. <br /> Commissioner Gordon reinforced what Commissioner Pelissier said about the audience <br /> and Board of County Commissioners with regard to the screens and acoustical information. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she did send out questions via email to staff and the Board. <br /> She requested that these be included as part of the minutes , with staff responses shown <br /> below: <br /> From: Alice Gordon [mailto:gordon.alice(a�] <br /> Sent: Monday, September 16, 2013 10:06 AM <br /> To: Barry Jacobs; Bernadette Pelissier; Earl McKee; gordon.alice(o-); Alice Gordon; <br /> Mark Dorosin; Penny Rich; Donna Baker; Frank Clifton; Greg Wilder; Michael Talbert <br /> Subject: Questions/ comments on Item 7-b <br /> Questions/ comments on item 7-b - Sept. 17, 2013 - Whitted Building <br /> 1. Has the Sheriff reviewed the design from a security point of view? <br /> If yes, did he have suggestions? If no, please request that he review it, and provide <br /> comments. <br /> "rhe Sheriff and his staff 'involved in -the °"rhireat Assessment work giroulp have Iprovided <br /> general 'input with iregaird -t -the need fair a safe airea and controlled access near -the <br /> dais rhis input was shared with -the IB CC in work session on April '16, 20,11 Staff will <br /> receive specific feedlback firom -the Sheriff and his staff with iregaird -t -the design and will <br /> i ' ' i a�bring -thi -feedback -t -the Board n Septembeir '17 „ <br /> 2. It is my understanding that the dais at the Southern Human Services Center is designed to <br /> be bullet-proof. Is that true of the proposed dais at the Whitted Building? If it is not, what <br /> would it take to make it that way? <br /> "rhe dais design at-the proposed meeting iroom at-the Whitted Building will 'include a 3/8" <br /> bullet iresistant Ipanel firom -the flloor-t -the -top of-the dais wall (alplpirox'iimatelly 42" Ihigh). <br /> "rhis is -the same material used in -the millwork fair-the judges, clerks and witness stands <br /> in -the Orange County Justice Expansion Ipiroject.. <br /> 3. The designs show a dais for 7 people, but I believe we were told that there would be more <br /> than that. How many people will be seated at the dais and why (especially if it is more than 9)? <br /> "rhe dais design is fllex'ilblle -to accommodate -the cuirirent seven County Commissioners <br /> with approximately 46" of counter width and -the Ipotential use of other Boards °"rhe <br /> 6`max'iimum" irecommended Board usage wound be the '12,,,,Ipeir on County Planning Board, <br /> which wound Iprovide each person approximately 28" of counter width.. <br /> 4. The packet shows three designs, but we were shown four designs at the work session. <br /> Please send that fourth design to us. <br /> Also, please send us the previous design that showed the offices. <br />