Orange County NC Website
complete no later than the end of November 2013. The County has engaged Corley, Redfoot <br /> Architects as the designer for the project. Ken Redfoot and David Taylor with Corley, Redfoot <br /> Architects will continue presenting the schematic designs as well as corresponding three <br /> dimensional space modeling for additional BOCC review and comment introduced during the <br /> September 12, 2013 work session. Should the BOCC approve the schematic design <br /> renderings and principles, the following timeline represents the delivery of the overall project: <br /> TASK PROPOSED END BY <br /> BEGINNING DATE <br /> DATE <br /> BOCC Action: Approval of 9/17/13 9/17/13 <br /> Schematic Design; <br /> authorization <br /> to prepare bid documents <br /> Construction document prep, 9/18/13 11/5/13 <br /> bid advertisement prep (2 <br /> month <br /> duration) <br /> BOCC Action: Approval of 11/5/13 11/5/13 <br /> Final Design; authorization to <br /> advertise for bid <br /> BOCC Action: Bid Award 12/17/13 12/17/13 <br /> Construction (est. 4 month 1/6/14 5/6/14 <br /> duration) <br /> Grand Opening —first BOCC 6/3/14 6/3/14 <br /> meeting (estimated date) <br /> Ken Redfoot said the purpose of tonight's discussion is to get approval for the <br /> schematic design. He reviewed the map of the overall site plan. He said the improvement of <br /> three parking lots is already out for bid. <br /> Ken Redfoot said the next three plans show the main meeting room with different <br /> furniture layouts. He gave a visual overview of these plans. <br /> He said his staff is looking at alternatives for the television production room to better <br /> accommodate necessary production. <br /> Ken Redfoot said two flat screen monitors are being considered for placement on either <br /> side of the dais for better video presentation. <br /> He noted that work will be done to insure there are no acoustic issues in the room. <br /> He gave a detailed description of the dais, which would accommodate all of the <br /> members of the Board. He said it is also large enough to accommodate up to 11 people in the <br /> event of joint meetings. He noted that it has a seven inch rise from the floor elevation, and a <br /> bullet proof panel across the front. He said there is a countertop with area to accommodate <br /> electrical and data hookups hidden behind a cap piece. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked for more explanation regarding the proposed schedule of the <br /> project. <br />