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provided proposals for both a fully insured renewal which is approximately a 6.35% increase <br /> and self-funded option which results in no increase. <br /> Nicole Clark said the recommendation is to approve option 2, which is the self funded <br /> option with an increase of$118 per month to the health savings account. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she appreciated the opportunity to discuss this prior to this <br /> meeting. She asked if employees have made any recent comments or statements regarding <br /> the plans. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this issue has been reviewed with employee relations for the <br /> past three years as the County has struggled with increasing costs. He said that most of the <br /> employees understand that this is the way to stabilize rates. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to know if any comments have been made <br /> between September 5th and now. <br /> Nicole Clark said no. <br /> Frank Clifton said this was presented to employees before the last Board of County <br /> Commissioners meeting. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she is not in favor of the self insured plan. She said she has <br /> done some reading about this, and there are a number of issues and concerns. She asked <br /> about the plans for hiring administrators for the claims and whether this would be an on-staff <br /> person. <br /> Tracy McCarty said the insurance company will remain the same. She said that as a <br /> self-funded administrator, employees will have the same network with an external party being <br /> paid an administrative fee to protect the County against large losses. She said this is not <br /> anyone internal. She said this is really only a change in the funding mechanism. She said, as <br /> claims come through on a weekly basis, that administrator will request those funds from the <br /> County, and the County will fund that. She said anything above the premiums will be retained. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if anyone other than United Healthcare (UHC) had been <br /> considered. <br /> Tracy McCarty said yes. She said UHC was the lowest and firmest quote. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she has concerns with UHC, and she is not supportive of <br /> them. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if Commissioner Rich's research had suggested any other <br /> insurance possibilities. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she had looked at Blue Cross Blue Shield, and she was <br /> against UHC because the company did not sign on to the Affordable Care Act. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the County is operating under a deadline this year, and this <br /> discussion can be had next year to change the criteria. He said he voted against UHC in the <br /> past, but he realizes that it is late in the game. He said UHC did have a town hall meeting and <br /> many concerns were addressed. He said he would like to suggest these town hall meetings <br /> be held annually with staff to discuss concerns. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is generally supportive of this; however he questioned <br /> the fact that he knows of several counties that go back to the private sector after being self <br /> funded. <br /> Tracy McCarty said about 90% of the companies her company represents are self <br /> funded, and most of the folks who have done this are very positive about it. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he attended an ABC board meeting this morning (since the <br /> ABC employees are insured with Orange County.) He said the general feeling at that board is <br /> that they will be unable to go self funded. He said there were concerns about the County's <br /> reasoning. <br />