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Commissioner Rich said a lot of this was recommended by managers after <br /> consideration of similar issues and lessons learned by Chapel Hill with the Northside area. <br /> David Caldwell, Project Director for RENA, said RENA is getting together with other <br /> community groups in an effort to a have more of a say in the development of the Rogers Road <br /> area. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she has had this discussion with David Caldwell. She said it <br /> is important that the neighbors have input in the development of their own neighborhood. <br /> David Caldwell said he is excited to have use of a gymnasium, auditorium and other <br /> facilities that the community needs. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin thanked Commissioner Price and Commissioner Rich, as well <br /> as the rest of the task force for the work that has been done. <br /> He said there is a perception in the community that the towns are more committed to <br /> this project than Orange County. He said it is imperative that Orange County send a clear <br /> signal of their commitment to seeing this project through. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin made the following motion: <br /> Whereas the Historic Rogers Road Community has disproportionately borne the burden <br /> of solid waste disposal in Orange County for over 40 years; and <br /> Whereas the Board of County Commissioners along with the Town of Carrboro and the <br /> Town of Chapel Hill recognize the community's collective responsibility to provide remediation <br /> and reparations to the Historic Rogers Road Community, including the Community Center and <br /> the provision of water and sewer service; <br /> Now be it resolved that the Board of County Commissioners is committed to, along with <br /> the Town of Carrboro, and the Town of Chapel Hill to the extent practicable, providing funding <br /> for water and sewer service for 100 percent of the parcels in the Historic Rogers Road <br /> Community, including connections from the infrastructure leading to the individual homes, at <br /> no cost to the residents. <br /> No second <br /> Motion Fails <br /> Chair Jacobs said the Board is being asked to review and discuss recommendations in <br /> preparation for the Assembly of Government (AOG) meeting. He said it is a testament to the <br /> importance of the work placed upon the task force that not only the two Board of County <br /> Commissioners, but the RENA representatives and the Chapel Hill representative, Council <br /> Member Lee Starrow are all present. He said he hopes that the misconception about Orange <br /> County will be rectified in the near future when actions are taken. He recognized Michael <br /> Talbert as the support staff to this task force. <br /> Michael Talbert asked where things go from this point. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the direction was to raise points, make recommendations, and then <br /> defer further discussion to AOG. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> receive the presentation, discuss the recommendations in the Report from the Historic Rogers <br /> Road Neighborhood Task Force in preparation for the November 21, 2013 Assembly of <br /> Governments Meeting. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he would appreciate a discussion of why there was no <br /> second to his motion. He said this is an illustration of what he fears, and the Board owes the <br /> public an explanation. <br />