Minutes 09-09-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-09-2013
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Last modified
11/6/2013 12:24:18 PM
Creation date
11/6/2013 12:20:32 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 09-09-2013 - Agenda
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2. Adjourn the public hearing until November 5, 2013 in order to receive and accept the <br /> Planning Board's recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br /> Michael Harvey noted that the abstract includes a statement from the current property <br /> owner, Daniel McDonald, who indicates that Ronald Keizer has an option on purchasing the <br /> property. He said this is contingent on the re-zoning approval. <br /> Michael Harvey said Ronald Keizer has been made aware of the buffer requirements for <br /> this property. <br /> Commissioner Price said she is pleased that a local business wants to expand. She <br /> asked if the expansion would mean an increased intensity in the use, or if it would remain the <br /> same. <br /> Michael Harvey said the re-zoning needs to be acted on regardless of whether or not it is <br /> consistent with the code. He said he believes there will be an expansion and amplification of <br /> the existing use. He also believes the existing land use criteria and standards will mitigate any <br /> impacts. He said he has not seen the site plan, so he is hesitant to give a definite answer. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the last item simply aligned what was on the ground with <br /> what is on paper. He said this item is placing before the Board the very thing that the County <br /> has wanted, which is more job and business opportunities in Orange County. He said this <br /> request is in an area where the land use has already been designated as appropriate. He said <br /> there are still opportunities to ask questions and work out agreements as this moves forward. <br /> He said he is in favor of this. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there is water and sewer available. <br /> Craig Benedict said there is no public water and sewer in the area. He said part of the <br /> current design to flip the sewer flow will bring gravity sewer past this parcel. He said this would <br /> happen in a year and a half to two years <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if owners with a sewer line running in front of their property are <br /> required to hook in. <br /> Craig Benedict said the UDO gives distance requirements that do require owners to <br /> connect on. <br /> He said that Orange Alamance water systems has some facilities in this area, and work <br /> is being done to insure that future development can handle both potable water and fire <br /> suppression needs for these new industries. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if residents would be required to hook up to the sewer lines. <br /> Craig Benedict said commercial owners, expansions to a business, or a new home built <br /> within the designated distance will be required to hook up. <br /> Commissioner Rich noted that part of the zoning change request was due to a need to <br /> fix the septic system, and then the owner will be required to hook up to sewer in a couple of <br /> years. <br /> Craig Benedict said that if the owner fixes the septic, he will be allowed to remain with <br /> the new or repaired system until it fails. <br /> Frank Clifton said this is a project Steve Brantley has worked on with the owner. <br /> Pete Hallenbeck asked if there were any comments from the Planning Board. <br /> Pete Hallenbeck said he is pleased to hear about the option for a local supplier of <br /> chassis. He is also please to hear about the potential water availability for fire suppression. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked about the number of current and future employees. <br /> Applicant Ronald Kaiser said he currently has 26 employees. He said business is <br /> growing. He said there were 18 employees in 2009, and the company did $1.8 million in sales. <br /> He said he expects to do $4.2 million in sales this year. He said the company set a goal of <br /> being a 5 million dollar company. He said this goal has almost been met, and his desire is to <br /> set a new goal that allows the company to keep up with its growing customers. <br /> James Bryan, Staff Attorney, said this decision will be based on the reasonableness and <br /> consistency with the land plan and the public benefit but not the benefits of this particular <br /> business. <br />
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