Minutes 09-09-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-09-2013
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Last modified
11/6/2013 12:24:18 PM
Creation date
11/6/2013 12:20:32 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 09-09-2013 - Agenda
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Michael Harvey said the map does not designate zoning; it designates land use <br /> category. He said this category is meant to encourage retail and manufacturing, however there <br /> is underlying rural residential zoning in the area. He said this rural/residential zoning is not <br /> invalidated, and it is still protected in the UDO. He noted that future use and focus for this area <br /> will be additional non-residential application of land use. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked for clarification on the zoning of this area. He said the <br /> designations and zoning are confusing. <br /> Michael Harvey said, as the comprehensive plan points out, certain areas of the County <br /> have been identified as targets to encourage specific types of land use. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said a plan has been developed to encourage certain land use, <br /> but this did not include zoning changes to encourage that development. <br /> Michael Harvey said this is correct; these areas were not pre-zoned. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if the plan is to re-zone these areas, or if this will happen <br /> in a piecemeal fashion like the Board is seeing tonight. <br /> Michael Harvey said the plan is that this will happen as the market demands it. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he is just trying to understand the context. <br /> Frank Clifton said there is an assumption by some landowners that re-zoning means <br /> values and property taxes will go up. He said this is not necessarily true. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said this map is misleading for a person who is not well versed in <br /> this issue. <br /> Frank Clifton said the map Commissioner Dorosin is referring to is a planning map for <br /> future use, versus a zoning map of current designations. <br /> Planning Board member Johnny Randall arrived at 7:37. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked how the zoning change will affect the protected watershed <br /> area. <br /> Michael Harvey said the overlay will not be altered. He said Ronald Keizer and his <br /> business will be held to the same standards regarding impervious surface limits and stream <br /> buffer protections. <br /> Commissioner Price said the packet did not seem to indicate any major changes in the <br /> business activity on the property. <br /> Michael Harvey said there will be no major changes on this request. He noted the <br /> second item is a different request for a different issue. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he would like to follow up on Commissioner Dorosin's question. He <br /> said one difference between this economic development district and the Hillsborough one is that <br /> the others have fewer and larger parcels. He noted that this area is full of smaller residential <br /> lots. This makes it challenging to do a blanket re-zoning. <br /> Pete Hallenbeck asked for any comments from the planning board, and he introduced <br /> the applicant, Ronald Keizer. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Ronald Keizer, owner of USA Dutch, said he left some brochures regarding his <br /> company. He said he would like to expand his business, and he hopes he will be allowed to do <br /> this. He said he will be happy to answer questions <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if any member of the Board had comments. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner McKee to: <br /> 1. Refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be <br /> returned to the Board of County Commissioners in time for the November 5, 2013 <br /> BOCC regular meeting. <br /> 2. Adjourn the public hearing until November 5, 2013 in order to receive and accept the <br /> Planning Board's recommendation and any submitted written comments. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />
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