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4 <br /> Deleting the previous Concept Plan application and approval procedures had the unintended <br /> result of leaving no provisions for Concept Plan approval in the Rural Buffer. <br /> Since it was not the expressed intent of the Board of Commissioners to eliminate cluster <br /> subdivisions or Concept Plan requirements in the Rural Buffer, the Planning Staff recommends <br /> that the previous provisions be re-adopted. The text is modified as needed to reflect that the <br /> provisions are only applicable in the Rural Buffer. Approval of this amendment would maintain <br /> the opportunity to provide open space and protect sensitive resources through subdivision design <br /> until other regulations specific to the Rural Buffer are adopted by the three governing boards. <br /> EXISTING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS AND PROPOSED <br /> AMENDMENT: <br /> SECTION IV - REQUIRED MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS <br /> IV-B-9 CLUSTER DEVELOPMENTS <br /> LY_B=La Inte � <br /> Cluster development allows for greater design flexibility and originals <br /> permit the reasonable use of land with difficult physical conditions <br /> !topography, floodplain, unique natural areas. etc. respect the physical <br /> qualities of the land. reduce the overall development and public costs and, <br /> preserve open space to serve recreational. scenic and public service purposes. <br /> Cluster developments permit the modification and variation of lot and , <br /> requirements Provided that the sum of reductions in lot area becomes <br /> common open and for recreation space for the benefit of all residents of the <br /> cluster development or for dedication to public use. <br /> Cluster development may be required where protection of environmental <br /> resources identified in "An Inventory of Site of Cultural, Historic. <br /> Recreational, Biological. and Geological Significance in the Unincorporated <br /> Portions of Orange County" or "Inventory of the Natural Areas and Wildlife <br /> Habitats of Orange County- North Carolina" cannot be accomplished through <br /> the development of a standard subdivision Otherwise cluster developments <br /> are an option for the developer. However. all cluster developments whether <br /> q ' ed or opted for by the developer, shall be done in compliance with the <br /> provisions and standards related to or referring to cluster developments <br /> contained in this Section. <br /> IV-B-9-b Application Criteria <br /> Cluster developments may be approved in the Rural Buffer zoning district <br /> upon the following findings. <br /> a) The tract is a minimum of 400,000 square feet <br />