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24 <br /> and south. The tract is 30.64 acres in size with seven(7)new residential lots <br /> proposed that average 4.38 in size. <br /> Each lot will have an individual well and septic system.The new lots will have <br /> access to Pleasant Green Road via Sibling Pine Drive,a proposed new private road. <br /> The applicant's private road justification and the Planning Staff s analysis are <br /> attachments to these minutes on pages <br /> The private road is justified through the subdivision's location in a protected <br /> watershed,the large lots and larger than required setbacks.Also,the subdivision <br /> will not be visible from Pleasant Green Road.The Planning Staff recommends that <br /> the proposed private road meet Class B standards. <br /> The area suitable for septic disposal is limited to the north side of the proposed <br /> private road. The septic disposal area for lot 7 is connected to the remainder of the <br /> lot by a 30'strip approximately 1150 feet in length. The septic disposal area for lot <br /> 6 is similarly connected by a strip approximately 800 feet in length. <br /> The property is located in the Lower Eno Protected Watershed Overlay District. <br /> Watershed protection requirements in Article 6.23 of the Zoning Ordinance prohibit <br /> the use of easements for off-site septic systems except as needed for repair area. The <br /> remote areas for septic disposal are connected to lots 6 and 7 in a manner which <br /> serves the same purpose as a septic easement. <br /> Section N-B-5a(Lot Layout)of the Subdivision Regulations state: <br /> The shape and orientation of lots shall be appropriate to the location of the <br /> subdivision and the development intended Interior lot lines extendingfrom a street <br /> should be approximately perpendicular or radial to the street right-of-way line.Lot <br /> lines shall be maximize buildable area an4 where applicable, to <br /> provide a suitable area for septic systems...... <br /> While the proposed design does provide an area suitable for a septic system and <br /> repair area on each lot,including lots 6 and 7,the proposed design does not <br /> maximize building for lots 6 and 7 in that approximately 2400 square feet(1/2 acre) <br /> of lot 6 and 3300 square feet(roughly 3/4 acre)of lot 7 are contained in the strip <br /> which connects the septic disposal area to the buildable portion of the lots,rendering <br /> that area neither buildable nor usable for septic disposal. <br /> The-Planning Staff finds that compliance of the proposed subdivision with the intent <br /> of Section IV-B-5(Lot Layout)of the Subdivision Regulations,as well as the intent <br /> of Article 6.23(Watershed Protection)is compromised in order to avoid the creation <br /> of septic easements,which is specifically prolu'bited in protected watersheds.The <br /> intent of these provisions would be better met through an alternative design which <br /> could involve clustering of lots in the northern portion of the property where suitable <br /> soils are located,and creating open space in areas where soils are not suitable. <br /> Another alternative would be to eliminate lots 6 and 7. <br /> At the August 21, 1995 Planning Board meeting the Planning Staff recommended <br /> that the Concept Plan for Sibling Pine Estates be redesigned to eliminate the strips <br /> which connect remote septic disposal areas to lots 5 and 7.However,in a 7 to 3 vote <br /> the Planning Board approved the Concept Plan as proposed <br /> The Planning Staff recommends that the Preliminary Plan for Sibling Pine Estate be <br /> redesigned to eliminate the strips which connect remote septic disposal areas to lot <br />