Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> ENT <br /> L T <br /> 226 S. Churton St., Hillsborough, NC <br /> 732-6262 <br /> July 28, 1995 <br /> PRIVATE ROAD JUSTIFICATION <br /> SIBLING PINE ESTATE <br /> Sibling Pine Drive <br /> A private road in this subdivision is appropriate for the following reasons: <br /> I. The lots in this subdivision are significantly larger than required. All lots <br /> are at least twice the minimum lot size, and the average lot size (4.38 Ac.), is more <br /> than four times the required minimum. <br /> 2. This subdivision is in a protected watershed(L-ENO-PW), and a private <br /> road, requiring less grading and paving, will reduce the amount of impervious <br /> surface created. <br /> 3. This road, serving only seven lots, will never be extended to serve <br /> additional lots. Restrictive covenants will prohibit further subdivision of the <br /> proposed lots. <br /> 4. Larger than required setbacks (40'intemal, 80' external)will preserve the <br /> natural wooded buffer along the boundaries of these lots and help to preserve the <br /> rural character of the lots served by the private road. <br />