Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11 <br /> 306F REVERE ROAD <br /> HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27278 <br /> v , •t <br /> V L• <br /> i <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Board of County Commissioners <br /> FROM: Emily Cameron, ASLA,Planner II/Landscape Architect's <br /> SUBJECT: Land Use Buffer Waiver Request- Sibling Pine Estate <br /> DATE: July 23, 1996 <br /> The attached land use buffer waiver request is submitted by Steve Yuhasz,RLS, on behalf of the <br /> applicants for Sibling Pine Estate, a major subdivision. The property is located in EnoTownship <br /> on the east side of Pleasant Green Road(SR 1567) across from St. Thomas Woods Subdivision. <br /> The applicants propose to divide 30.64 acres into seven(7) lots. A waiver is requested for a 30- <br /> foot Type A land use buffer on the 9450-square foot portion of lot I the right-of-way <br /> for Pleasant Green Road. The purpose of the buffer is to reduce impacts associated with a <br /> collector road adjacent to a residential land use. The applicants would like to be able to construct <br /> a bus shelter for school children in the required buffer area. <br /> Section IV-B-8-g of the Subdivision Regulations allows the Board of Commissioners to reduce <br /> or alter a required land use buffer shown on a Preliminary Plat when strict adherence to the <br /> ordinance would serve no useful purpose. In the case of lot 1 of Sibling Pine Estate,the <br /> configuration of the lot and the location of the building site relative to Pleasant Green Road <br /> justify a waiver of the 30-foot buffer requirement. The portion of lot 1 to be used for a residence <br /> is located over 400 feet from Pleasant Green Road, which serves the purpose of a buffer. <br /> A 40-foot building setback from road rights-of-way also applies to this portion of lot 1. However, <br /> according to Article 21.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, the bus shelter proposed by the applicant will <br /> not require a zoning compliance permit,provided is does not exceed 100 square feet in size or <br /> cost more than$100 to construct. <br />