Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> 11. Orange County will appropriate annually to the operating revenues of the System operating <br /> budget the difference between annual expenditures and revenues received from user fees, <br /> investment and other income of the System. <br /> AND WHEREAS, the System Engineer has identified 14 parcels of land improved <br /> with dwellings or businesses which are not located within Phase I of the Project Area but which are <br /> located adjacent to it and on Southern Avenue•, and as it may be feasible to connect these parcels to <br /> the System within the System budget, <br /> IT IS THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: <br /> Prm,Aed the bid for the System, including construction of the portion of the System necessary to <br /> serve these 14 parcels, which is accepted by Orange County is within the System budget, the 14 <br /> parcels shall be added to and considered to be part of Phase I of the Project Area in all respects <br /> except as follows: priority shall be given to persons, firms or corporations located within Phase I <br /> of the Project Area without inclusion of the 14 parcels located adjacent to it with respect to tap fees <br /> paid to the Town of Hillsborough. If there are 212 applicants for connection to the System within <br /> Phase I of the Project Area without inclusion of the 14 parcels adjacent to it which apply during the <br /> initial application period, each applicant from among the 14 parcel shall pay tap fees to the County <br /> and the Town of Hillsborough as determined by policies of the County and the Town. Applications <br /> for connection from among the persons,firms or corporations owning the 14 parcels shall be <br /> treated on a first-made basis with respect to tap fees to the County and the Town of Hillsborough <br /> in the event there are more than 198 but less than 212 applicants for connection during the initial <br /> application period from within Phase I of the Project Area. without inclusion of the 14 adjacent <br /> parcels. <br /> This the 20`h day of November, 1984 <br />