Gc,tobci23, 2013
<br />W711,373 77.177MVI TRE
<br />. hael Talbert
<br />Orange County Interim. Manager
<br />200 South Carntzo n S tred, 11 m 0 . Box 8, L 8 1
<br />Hillsbornugh, NC 27278
<br />RE: October V' Letter re; Library Sites
<br />Dear, Michael,
<br />In response to your, letter from Octobcr L, 2013, please see the jv;spanses ftom'I"own of Cw*,Oro
<br />Staffbelow.
<br />A,) 1128 MYsborough Rqada Shetlej propem:,
<br />The Board of Aidermen bas not taken an offiaial posjtj()jI on the land swa.p. Please soc
<br />the attathod letter to that effect, (Aftachment A)
<br />Perfinent intbrillatioll froln the Towns files regarding the perlIfittirig PrOcess for lilting
<br />the previoosly-existi 'ng pond on the site is attached to this reply (ARacb,ment B). All files,
<br />arc avai lable R) r vi ew ing i f neetled.
<br />A
<br />situ constraints nut p from therown's GIG gystcm also is attached (Attachmerl Q. T110,
<br />map shows a strearn and associated buffvx, atop g, with variOUSr M. IXed (Ttx, areas. The
<br />wetland area idenfified on the map is the previous locatic)n for the you d,. Thic Stroam
<br />buffer area, 60-fect on cither side of the strearn, must, rerntlin undiAurbed unless
<br />distuT,b,anoo is �pecifieally authorized by the Town's Land Use Ordinance (LUO), for
<br />purposexq ofa driveway ot si mflur newssvy but limited intrusion. The 111-10, is Written III
<br />a to that strives for retention of the mixed tree amis but intrusion into sach areas is not
<br />forbidden from a regulatory perspective fora invite -rusidefitial Projoct-
<br />B"I 401 Fidelity Strge t Town I
<br />Df Carrhoro Ceime-tery PE2P—e-rtj--*
<br />rniffi e, derta
<br />o For peak flow time traffir, co-untq for both srrects,mate that the fbIlowing data was
<br />submitted to the Town in 2006 dujing its review Of a develoPment applic apt ton
<br />neaT the intersection of 1: Ro� ad wi,d James Ferry Road. The volunies ina,y
<br />differ ,dightly at the Davie Road, i Fidelity Street intemetion because of the
<br />residcntial land uscs alwig Daviie Road, bull this information has Mull Will Prove
<br />helpful. Und uses in, this area have not chang-ed much in (11C tu$t dam arde or so.
<br />ArM peak hour traffite turning on Davic, goi,n, g, N13, was 5 5
<br />peak hour Iraffic tum ing froin, Davie, going SIB, was 68
<br />PM iiicakhour traffiic turning onto Davie, Soifig"N13, was 77
<br />l Peak hour traffic, turning from Davic, going SR, %V33 50
<br />;oi Wa5T, LiA IN STR15E'T, �' AAR PAM, NC 27510 " (1919) 042-k ,11 'FAX 0,11; 9 � 91 N,44fi S' V ICUT TY,7n. CO SC III. 711
<br />K
<br />