Agenda - 11-05-2013 - 6d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-05-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-05-2013 - 6d
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Last modified
6/15/2015 1:59:18 PM
Creation date
11/4/2013 10:29:38 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-05-2013
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2013
RES-2013-091 Resolution Approving Town of Hillsborough/Orange County Central Orange Coordinated Area Land Use Plan Areas within the Town's Urban Service Boundary
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2013
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K <br />Noting the one area for deletion and clarification described above, the Planning Director <br />recommends approval of the proposed draft COCA Land Use Plan based on the following: <br />• Consistency with the adopted Hillsborough- Orange Interlocal Land Management <br />Agreement; <br />• Provides additional guidance for coordinated land use and zoning decisions; <br />• Better distinguishes between areas to have urban characteristics from those that are to <br />remain rural; <br />• Consistency with the goals and objectives of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan; and <br />• Prerequisite to 2030 Comprehensive Plan Amendments that will further implement the <br />Interlocal Agreement and operationalize joint planning. <br />Planning Board Recommendation: <br />The Planning Board considered this item at its October 2, 2013 meeting. The Planning Board <br />unanimously voted to recommend approval of this item. The Planning Board draft minutes <br />are included in Attachment 4. <br />"Immediate and Future Steps" — What Joint Planning Steps Come Next ?: <br />Since the public hearing, Orange County received a letter (dated September 10, 2013) <br />conveying Town Board action and adoption of a resolution indicating its interest in releasing <br />areas west of town from its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) and requesting jurisdiction over <br />areas defined in the Interlocal Land Management Agreement. Coordination between the <br />respective staffs was also requested to begin identifying the required steps and to process the <br />exchange. <br />Orange County Planning staff and Staff Attorney met with the Town's Planning Director and <br />Attorney on October 16 to begin developing a coordinated approach to the Extraterritorial <br />Jurisdiction (ETJ) swaps. Based on staff collaboration, it is recommended that immediate next <br />steps include processing the ETJ exchange. This exchange would occur prior to County 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan amendments to implement the COCA Land Use Plan and different from a <br />simultaneous approach that staff conveyed as an option when questioned on future steps, <br />steps which admittedly had not yet been determined by staff the night of the hearing. As full <br />achievement of Town and County future joint land use visions is a significant undertaking, <br />involving many steps, this incremental approach is recommended to ensure that the process is <br />manageable and most understandable. <br />Therefore, immediate steps following BOCC approval on the draft Town of Hillsborough /Orange <br />County COCA Land Use Plan include BOCC authorization to proceed with the development of <br />a schedule and process, including notification and outreach methods, to execute the ETJ swaps <br />identified in the Interlocal Agreement. This authorization to proceed, with additional specifics, <br />may be a proposed item for the November 19, 2013 BOCC meeting. <br />Following the completion of ETJ swaps, additional future steps will include 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan text and map amendments to implement the COCA Land Use Plan, <br />Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) text amendments, additional public outreach, and a <br />public hearing. The BOCC will also be asked to authorize a schedule and a process, including <br />notification and outreach methods, before these future steps are initiated. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: See Section C. 3 in Attachment 1. <br />
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