Orange County NC Website
30 <br />District <br />Section 3.7 of the UDO - Purpose <br />Section 3.7 of the UDO — <br />Allowable Land Use <br />Statements for `Economic Development' <br />Minimum Lot Size <br />Categories for districts — <br />per Comprehensive Plan <br />(Refer to Attachment 2) <br />Economic <br />... provide locations for a range of lower <br />No minimum requirement — <br />Economic Development <br />Development <br />intensity non - residential uses in the <br />evaluated as part of site <br />Transition Activity Node <br />Buckhorn — <br />designated Buckhorn Economic <br />plan review and <br />Lower <br />Development District. <br />demonstrated compliance <br />Intensity <br />with ratio standards. <br />(EDB -1) <br />Economic <br />... provide locations for a range of light <br />No minimum requirement — <br />Economic Development <br />Development <br />industrial, distribution, retail, office, and <br />evaluated as part of site <br />Transition Activity Node <br />Buckhorn — <br />services uses in the designated Buckhorn <br />plan review and <br />Higher <br />Economic Development District. <br />demonstrated compliance <br />Intensity <br />with ratio standards. <br />(EDB -2) <br />Economic <br />... provide locations for a range of lower <br />No minimum requirement — <br />Economic Development <br />Development <br />intensity non - residential uses in the <br />evaluated as part of site <br />Transition Activity Node <br />Eno — Lower <br />designated Eno Economic Development <br />plan review and <br />Intensity <br />District. <br />demonstrated compliance <br />(EDE -1) <br />** NOTE — residential is allowed in this <br />with ratio standards. <br />district as a permitted use per Section 5.2 of <br />the UDO. <br />Economic <br />... provide locations for a range of light <br />No minimum requirement — <br />Economic Development <br />Development <br />industrial, distribution, retail, office, and <br />evaluated as part of site <br />Transition Activity Node <br />Eno — Higher <br />services uses in the designated Eno <br />plan review and <br />Intensity <br />Economic Development District. <br />demonstrated compliance <br />(EDE -2) <br />with ratio standards. <br />Economic <br />... provide locations for low to moderately <br />20,000 square feet — <br />Economic Development <br />Development <br />intense medical, professional, administrative <br />required lot size shall also <br />Transition Activity Node <br />Hillsborough — <br />and government office on small to mid -sized <br />be based on compliance <br />Linear Officer <br />sites in the designated Hillsborough <br />with applicable ratio <br />(EDH -1) <br />Economic Development District. <br />standards (i.e. floor area <br />The district is intended to be located on the <br />ratio, open space, etc.) <br />periphery of established residential areas <br />and along major and minor thoroughfares. <br />The district is established to provide <br />convenient locations for offices, the size and <br />operating characteristics of which require <br />limited parking and which generate little <br />traffic. <br />Standards are designed so that this district <br />may serve as a transitional land use between <br />residential districts and higher, more intense <br />land uses. <br />