Orange County NC Website
District <br />Section 3.5 of the UDO - Purpose <br />Section 3.5 of the UDO — <br />Allowable Land Use <br />Statements for `Industrial Districts' <br />Minimum Lot Size <br />Categories for districts — <br />per Comprehensive Plan <br />(Refer to Attachment 2) <br />Light Industrial <br />... provide appropriately located and sized <br />80,000 square feet (outside <br />Commercial - Industrial <br />(1 -1) <br />sites for limited industrial uses engaged in <br />of a Commercial Industrial <br />Transition Activity Node <br />manufacturing, processing, creating and <br />Transition Activity Node) <br />Rural Industrial Activity <br />assembling of goods, merchandise or <br />20,000 square feet (inside a <br />Node <br />equipment. Performance standards will be <br />Commercial Industrial <br />used to insure the absence of adverse <br />Transition Activity Node) <br />impacts beyond the immediate space <br />occupied by the building. <br />Required lot size shall be <br />appropriate to the method <br />of water supply and sewage <br />disposal and applicable <br />ratio standards (i.e. floor <br />area ratio, open space, <br />etc.) <br />Medium <br />... provide locations for enterprises engaged <br />20,000 square feet — <br />Commercial - Industrial <br />Industrial (1 -2) <br />in manufacturing, processing, creating, <br />required lot size shall also <br />Transition Activity Node <br />repairing, renovating, painting, cleaning, and <br />be based on compliance <br />assembling of goods, merchandise or <br />with applicable ratio <br />equipment. Performance standards will be <br />standards (i.e. floor area <br />used to insure the absence of adverse <br />ratio, open space, etc.) <br />impact beyond the lot boundaries of the use. <br />Heavy <br />... provide locations for enterprises engaged <br />20,000 square feet — <br />Commercial - Industrial <br />Industrial (1 -3) <br />in a broad range of manufacturing, <br />required lot size shall also <br />Transition Activity Node <br />processing, creating, repairing, renovating, <br />be based on compliance <br />painting, cleaning, or assembling of goods, <br />with applicable ratio <br />merchandise or equipment. Performance <br />standards (i.e. floor area <br />standards will be used to insure the <br />ratio, open space, etc.) <br />absences of adverse impacts beyond the <br />zoning district boundary. <br />Existing <br />... provide a district to be used only during <br />80,000 square feet <br />Not specifically tied to a <br />Industrial (EI) <br />the application of zoning, to previously <br />Land Use Category — <br />unzoned townships to accommodate existing <br />allowed wherever existing <br />industrial uses not located in areas <br />industrial operations were <br />designated as Industrial Transition Activity <br />located during imposition of <br />Node or Rural Industrial Activity Node by the <br />zoning <br />adopted Comprehensive Plan. <br />