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13 <br /> 1 Michael Talbert said about 80-90 percent or more will be in the town limits. <br /> 2 Commissioner Gordon asked what is counted as part of Carrboro's share of cost. <br /> 3 Michael Talbert said proposal is that the entire cost should be shared 14 percent, 43 <br /> 4 percent, and 43 percent, with Carrboro picking up 14 percent of the entire cost. <br /> 5 Michael Talbert said 3.7 includes areas 5, 8, and 6. <br /> 6 Commissioner Gordon said the Town of Chapel Hill is thinking of ways to contribute. <br /> 7 She asked if the same equation would apply to Chapel Hill if this could be within their ETJ. <br /> 8 Michael Talbert said the opinion of the Chapel Hill attorney is that an annexation or ETJ <br /> 9 will have to occur before Chapel Hill would have any interest in Rogers Road beyond the jointly <br /> 10 owned Greene Tract. <br /> 11 Commissioner Gordon asked if staff is asking that County owned lands be annexed. <br /> 12 Michael Talbert said if the County lands were to be annexed by Chapel Hill it would be a <br /> 13 step in the direction of the town having interest in the Rogers Road area. <br /> 14 Commissioner Gordon asked if this would have any effect on the Greene Tract. <br /> 15 Michael Talbert said if the Green Track is annexed or placed in the ETJ the town of <br /> 16 Chapel Hill would control future development; however it is a jointly owned property with the <br /> 17 County. He said this means the County would have to agree to any development. <br /> 18 Commissioner Gordon clarified that Chapel Hill would have more control in planning or <br /> 19 zoning. She asked about the status on an agreement. <br /> 20 Michael Talbert said there is no agreement. He said there was a resolution previously <br /> 21 passed regarding what should happen on that track. This was accepted by all of the boards, <br /> 22 but there was no further action taken. <br /> 23 Commissioner Gordon asked about the 60 acres reserved to the enterprise fund. <br /> 24 Michael Talbert said the 60 acres is still owned by solid waste and under the control of <br /> 25 Orange County, and that would not change. <br /> 26 Commissioner McKee referred to item 7 page 4 regarding funding for cost of <br /> 27 connecting. He asked if this funding would be need based or open for all properties served. <br /> 28 Michael Talbert said this has not been decided yet. He said the attorneys have told staff <br /> 29 that this needs to be based on low to moderate income. <br /> 30 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that the smaller option ($3.7 million) is based on the <br /> 31 scenario that Chapel Hill will not contribute anything. <br /> 32 Michael Talbert said this number was based on getting the lines to serve the most <br /> 33 people with the least cost, and this had nothing to do with Chapel Hill at that time. <br /> 34 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the $3.7 million plan would be the same contribution as <br /> 35 the $5.8 million between Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and the County if Chapel Hill does not extend its <br /> 36 ETJ and Orange County wanted to move forward. <br /> 37 Michael Talbert said it would be close. <br /> 38 Commissioner Dorosin referred to the question regarding funding the connections. He <br /> 39 said the task force has come a long way in recognizing that the connections to the people's <br /> 40 houses should be part of the reparations. He believes that the statute attached at appendix 1 D <br /> 41 would allow the County to provide assistance for the benefit of low to moderate income <br /> 42 persons, or for the restoration of neighborhoods and properties. He noted that this second <br /> 43 clause does not include an income based restriction. He said that there are residents who <br /> 44 have been living in the area for decades, and these people may not meet the narrow guidelines <br /> 45 for funding but have been burdened by the impacts of the landfill. <br /> 46 Commissioner Price said the task force discussions centered on the idea that the <br /> 47 decision regarding which residents get hooked up would depend on the source of the funding. <br /> 48 She said this is still open for discussion. <br />