Agenda - 11-05-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-05-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-05-2013 - 5a
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Last modified
11/4/2013 8:48:03 AM
Creation date
11/4/2013 8:47:40 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 11-05-2013
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12 <br /> 1 Joseph Henderson lives at 5316 Old Hillsborough Road. He said he hopes everyone can <br /> 2 come to an agreement to develop and maintain the landscape, while creating jobs and business <br /> 3 opportunities. He says there is only one piece of paper, and he said there should be 3 that can be <br /> 4 discussed. He said Old NC 10 is a beautiful drive and a wonderful place for bicyclists and <br /> 5 joggers. He said commercial traffic should be limited to Highway 70. He said he has seen the <br /> 6 new lines for access to 70 and this is a waste of money. He said this eliminates only 2 minutes of <br /> 7 driving and is a waste of time and resources. <br /> 8 Paul Guthrie said the transportation map includes the location of potential rail stop. He <br /> 9 said there needs to be significant discussion on the location of this. He said this decision involves <br /> 10 issues outside of the current discussion. <br /> 11 Commissioner McKee asked what the speed limit is in this area. He noted that Pleasant <br /> 12 Green Road on the north side of Highway 70 has an extended area of 45 miles per hour. He <br /> 13 noted that the Board does not have the authority to regulate speed limit or what traffic can use the <br /> 14 roads. He said the speed limits need enforcement in this area. <br /> 15 Chair Jacobs said one of the reasons he likes going to football games at Duke is because <br /> 16 there is not a lot of traffic, and he uses Old 10 as a shortcut. He said he does enjoy this drive and <br /> 17 the sense of being in the country. He empathizes with the residents' comments. He said it could <br /> 18 be part of the motion that the Planning Staff should share how the Saint Mary's scenic corridor <br /> 19 works and how this might be applied to NC 10. <br /> 20 He said DOT can be asked to reduce the speed limits, but speed limit is usually only <br /> 21 reduced if there are high rates of accidents in the area. <br /> 22 Chair Jacobs followed up on Commissioner Gordon's question regarding the petition <br /> 23 against the access management plan. He said there was an underlying decision made by a <br /> 24 previous Board that changed the land use plan, but that is not what is before the Board at this <br /> 25 time. He said that is a topic for a later discussion. <br /> 26 Commissioner Price said she travels in that area and she feels that an increase in the use <br /> 27 intensity would mean more traffic and higher speeds. She said she has seen so many of the <br /> 28 accident shrine markers on that road. She said something does need to be done. She said the <br /> 29 same is true of Saint Mary's Road. She said DOT can intervene. <br /> 30 Commissioner Rich referred to Chair Jacobs mention that the petition was for the wrong <br /> 31 discussion, and she asked if the petitioner was in agreement with this statement. <br /> 32 Chair Jacobs said the underlying issue from the petition is that the land use has changed. <br /> 33 David Walbert said he signed the petition with full knowledge that it was not about the <br /> 34 issue before the Board tonight. He said there was no petition to be signed 5 years ago. He said <br /> 35 he found out about the plan in 2008 with only 2 days notice. He spoke at that meeting. He said <br /> 36 that Chair Jacobs made the same comment at that meeting regarding a map that was drawn in <br /> 37 1980. He said it seems at every point in this process the Board is referring back to something that <br /> 38 already happened. He said he would ask that the Planning Board and the Commissioners take <br /> 39 into account the concerns expressed in that petition regarding the character and the fact that there <br /> 40 is a residential neighborhood involved. <br /> 41 Commissioner Price said the petition is about something else, but he management plan <br /> 42 does affect the residents' way of life and quality of life. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to: <br /> 45 <br /> 46 1. Refer the matter to the OUTBoard and the Planning Board with a request that a <br /> 47 recommendation be returned in time for the 11-19-2013 BOCC meeting. <br /> 48 2. Direct staff to review the standards applied to the Saint Mary's Road scenic corridor to <br /> 49 see if and how these standards may be applied to Old Highway 10. <br /> 50 3. Adjourn the public hearing until 11-19-2013 in order to receive and accept the <br /> 51 OUTBoard's and Planning Board's recommendations, and any submitted comments. <br /> 52 <br /> 53 Commissioner Dorosin asked for clarification on what is supposed to come back to the <br /> 54 Board with regard to the Access Management Plan. He said there is not really a plan yet. <br />
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