Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> 1 Abigaile Pittman said arterial collector and local categories are broad categories, but <br /> 2 NCDOT has some subcategories. She said the categories are taken directly from NCDOT's <br /> 3 website. She said she is aware that NCDOT is currently undertaking a review of the entire <br /> 4 functional classification program. She said this will be well under way by December. She said <br /> 5 comments from local jurisdictions regarding classification changes will be welcomed. She <br /> 6 suggested that NC 10 and the continuation onto Old Hillsborough are not consistent yet. She said <br /> 7 NCDOT should examine this. <br /> 8 Commissioner Gordon said that the current classification is being used with subcategories. <br /> 9 She clarified that changes will be dealt with as they come. She said the classifications take a long <br /> 10 time. <br /> 11 Abigaile Pittman said there is an opportunity to participate in the process through <br /> 12 comments. <br /> 13 Commissioner Price asked about signal lights. She asked what the next phase is for the <br /> 14 intersections. <br /> 15 Abigaile Pittman said the map identifies existing signal intersections, and she has not <br /> 16 indentified any future signal lights. She said this may change as development proceeds. <br /> 17 Commissioner Price said she was referring to connectivity. She asked if the road would <br /> 18 be widened if it is not made a scenic road. <br /> 19 Abigaile Pittman said there is no known proposal to widen Old Highway 10. She said <br /> 20 there is a proposal to straighten some of the curves in the future. <br /> 21 Commissioner Price said she was just trying to figure out where the circled areas are <br /> 22 connected to the plan. <br /> 23 Abigaile Pittman said this is just the existing road system. <br /> 24 Commissioner McKee said there are two rail crossings that complicate any possible <br /> 25 widening. <br /> 26 Planning Board Member Johnny Randall asked how much bicycle traffic exists on highway <br /> 27 10. He asked if there are bike lanes. <br /> 28 Abigaile Pittman said there is a striped lane for bikes but no official bike lanes. <br /> 29 Commissioner McKee said a 2 foot addition is simply a paved shoulder and not a bike <br /> 30 lane. This adds a little separation. He said the widening of 86 North includes a 4 foot paved <br /> 31 shoulder wherever possible. He said a true bike lane is 5 feet wide. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> 34 Gina Andrews lives in the study area. She has spoken to 88 people in the neighboring <br /> 35 area, and 85 of those people signed a petition. She said she took the maps provided at the <br /> 36 Murphy school. She read the petition, which expressed opposition to the Eno EDD Small Area <br /> 37 Plan due to potential destruction of surrounding wooded areas, and degradation of the local <br /> 38 environment due to noise and other pollution. She asked for a rejection of this plan. She said that <br /> 39 Old NC 10 welcomes people to Orange County and is favored by cyclists due to the beauty and <br /> 40 safety of the area. She feels there is another plan that could work for this area. <br /> 41 Commissioner Gordon asked if the petition is against the Eno Economic Development <br /> 42 Access Management Plan or the small area plan. <br /> 43 Gina Andrews said it is against the access management plan. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Jon Arvik said he came to ask for help. He said Chair Jacobs comment regarding <br /> 46 classification of Old NC 10 as a scenic area provided hope for the help. <br /> 47 He said he moved here 7 years ago for the rural neighborhood, clean air, quiet, and claims <br /> 48 on the County website. He said neighbors are still great, but the difficulty is air contamination and <br /> 49 heavy truck traffic with noise. He said his history is in environmental science and airborne <br /> 50 particulates and their health effects. He said Weldon Ridge is in close proximity to NC 10 and <br /> 51 there is heavy traffic going at high speeds, spewing diesel exhaust, which is a human carcinogen. <br /> 52 He said he moved here voluntarily, but he did not want to see these trucks going down <br /> 53 these smaller roads. He said his concern is the health of his neighbors. <br />