Agenda - 09-03-1996 - IX-C
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-03-1996
Agenda - 09-03-1996 - IX-C
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Last modified
10/30/2013 3:51:49 PM
Creation date
10/30/2013 3:51:47 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19960903
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9 <br /> same report revision as it delineates nearly the entire Efland area, including all of Phase I and portions of <br /> Phases U and V as Phase I (see attached 3/12/84 version of Figure 8B). Although McAdams report <br /> revisions dated March 28, 1984 and later show the same Figure 8B (see attached 4/5/84 version of <br /> Figure 8B) re-titled as simply"Recommended Plan", the existence and circulation of the earlier version <br /> of the map has been a source of discord. Given the history of the Efland sewer system, it may never be <br /> possible to reconcile the conflicting points-of-view and opinions as to how the Efland sewer system <br /> should be expanded and who should pay the costs of that expansion. <br /> Although it will come far too late to assist Mr. Lloyd with his current difficulties, the County is <br /> working on several fronts to set up conditions that may be advantageous for expanding the Efland sewer <br /> system at reduced costs for the County and the residents of Efland. Rules for CDBG funding of <br /> infrastructure(including sewer systems)have again changed and may now be favorable for providing <br /> funding for some portion of the Efland sewer expansion. The County's Department of Housing and <br /> Community development has undertaken the process of evaluating Efland sewer needs, income levels, <br /> etc., to determine if the County will be able to submit a viable CDBG application. In the CIP for FY <br /> 1996-97, the BOCC has provided $50,000 to pay for consulting engineering services to update the <br /> engineer's report and develop the environmental impact assessment and the construction documents for <br /> completing sewer system expansion in Phase H and the remaining portion of Phase I. Having these <br /> documents in hand at the time of when grant applications are submitted is essentially a prerequisite to <br /> qualifying for grant funding. The Request for Proposals(RFP)for engineering services will be sent out in <br /> August. Evaluation of proposals and selection of an engineering consultant should be accomplished by <br /> the first of October. Engineering plans and reports will be submitted with grant applications in March <br /> 1997. County staff are also looking at strategies for extending sewer service from the Efland sewer <br /> system to the Buckhorn Road EDD. When the EDD is occupied by corporate entities owning the EDD <br /> property and using the sewer system, the corporate community can bear a sizable portion of the cost of <br /> expanding and operating the Efland sewer system. This can be accomplished by means of implementing a <br /> corporate sewer use rate structure and through the integration of the EDD corporate property tax value <br /> and tax base into an Efland sewer tax district. Greatly enhanced sewer tax district revenues based on <br /> EDD property values and sewer use revenues could then be used to subsidize sewer extensions and <br /> service within Efland. <br /> None of these strategies outlined above afford any real certainty of providing significant funding <br /> assistance for expanding the Efland sewer system. The only certainty about expanding the sewer system <br /> is that, without the infusion of significant sums of public funds, many of the residents of Efland would <br /> find the cost of expanding the system to be a serious financial burden. <br /> If I may provide additional information, please advise. <br /> 6 <br />
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