Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> V. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT SENIOR CENTER FACILITIES <br /> Since 1980 the Orange County Department on Aging has been managing Senior <br /> Centers. In 1995 the Department was responsible for four Senior Centers and <br /> provides transportation and senior programs at two Community Centers <br /> (Appendix F- Center Locations). A comparative profile of the current facilities <br /> and their use was prepared. (Appendix G) <br /> The Department employs a Senior Centers Administrator who does overall <br /> planning, as well as arranging, scheduling and publicizing programs, classes <br /> and individualized services at each senior center. The Senior Times newspaper <br /> coverage of each center is coordinated by the Administrator. Additionally, the <br /> Administrator supervises the Facility Managers at each center location. They, in <br /> turn, are responsible for overseeing daily activities as they occur, handling <br /> registration and fee collections, responding to walk-in information requests and <br /> managing room setup, scheduling and facility maintenance issues. JOCCA also <br /> employs part time nutrition program managers at the Hillsborough, Carrboro, <br /> and Southern Orange Senior Centers. The Dept. on Aging manages the <br /> nutrition program at the Chapel Hill Center and reports to JOCCA. The <br /> Community Centers at Efland-Cheeks and Northern Orange (Cedar Grove) are <br /> managed by the Orange County Recreation and Parks Department which <br /> provides facility staff and oversight of programs for all ages. JOCCA also has <br /> staff at these sites for their senior citizen nutrition program and to serve all ages. <br /> The Department on Aging does not have on site staff at these sites. <br /> The following is a brief description of the four senior centers and the two <br /> community centers that serve older adults in Orange County. Each site <br /> description includes an analysis as to their level of visibility, accessiblity and <br /> acceptability. <br /> The Hillsborough Senior Center. This center is the oldest ( established in <br /> 1980 with federal funds). It is located in the Whiffed Human Services Center, a <br /> large governmental building shared with health, mental health and social service <br /> clients of all ages. The administrative office space for the Department on Aging <br /> and Transportation (OPT) is very cramped and small (350 sq. ft. for 7 staff plus <br /> 10 drivers) as is the senior center space (2,668 sq.ft.- 3 rooms not including the <br /> hallway or restrooms). The hallway serves as a drop in lounge area, primarily <br /> for the men. The older women generally gather in the nutrition room or <br /> participate in a class in the Arts/Crafts room. <br /> Hillsborough Township is second to Chapel Hill in the concentration of older <br /> adults. This is the third most used facility surpassed only by the Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro Senior Centers. <br /> Page 5 of 16 <br />