Orange County NC Website
Delivery Requirements. According to N.C. Divsion of Aging Standards, a <br /> Senior Center must be open at least 8 hours per day, 5 days per week. <br /> Satellite Centers may operate less than 8 hours per day. Information on <br /> services and activities must be posted and publicized. Coordination with <br /> community services must be documented and input must be received from older <br /> adults on center policies and procedures. The Center must be staffed by a full- <br /> time paid Director and by paid or volunteer personnel capable of implementing <br /> its program. A satellite center must be staffed by a paid manager who is <br /> available during the hours of operation. Senior Center management training is <br /> required of staff. <br /> Ideal Facility Characteristics. Several facility characteristics have been <br /> identified in the literature as ideal. They are as follows: <br /> 1. Is perceived as serving all or most older adults, potential and actual users in <br /> the geographic service area. (Acceptability Factor) <br /> 2. Provides exclusive space in order to maintain identity, even though shared <br /> with other age groups when not in use. (Identity Factor) <br /> 3. Maintains a wholistic approach to serving older adults; concern with all of <br /> their needs. (Comprehensive Factor) <br /> 4. Is highly visible to older adults and the community. The center should be <br /> clearly identified with a permanent outdoor sign. (Visibility Factor) <br /> 5. Is centrally located. The center should be located on a much-travelled street, <br /> public area, conveniently located and easliy accessible to bus service. <br /> (Accessibility Factor) <br /> 6. Has adequate parking. Parking space should be available and accessible for <br /> older adult and staff use, especially for handicapped. (Accessibility Factor) <br /> 7. Is accessible to the handicapped. There should be special provisions for <br /> handicapped older adults, such as handrails, ramps, wide electronic doors, <br /> grab-bars, etc. (Functional Group Capacity Factor) <br /> 8. Involves older adults. The center operations and management should utilize <br /> the skills of older adults and participants as employees, volunteers, advisory <br /> and governing board members. (Volunteer Leadership Factor) <br /> Page 4 of 16 <br />