Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Approximately two-thirds of all county older adults 60+ (6,424) reside in the <br /> Chapel Hill township. This number is likely to increase significantly as a result <br /> of Money Magazine's recognition of Chapel Hill in 1994 as one of the top <br /> retirement communities in the United States. The other one-third of all older <br /> adults are distributed throughout the other six townships in central and northern <br /> Orange. (Appendix E) Approximately 81% of all county older adults are White <br /> and most live in southern Orange. A high concentration of minority elderly <br /> (65+) reside in central and northwest Orange County. The largest township, <br /> Chapel Hill, has only 16.5% (804) minority elderly. The percentage of minority <br /> elderly (65+) in the township from highest to lowest is as follows: <br /> Township %/# of Minority Elderly (65+) <br /> 1. Cedar Grove 42% (204) <br /> 2. Cheeks 26% (144) <br /> 3. Hillsborough 25% (287) <br /> 4. Chapel Hill 16.5% (804) <br /> 5. Bingham 15% (60) <br /> 6. Eno 11% (52) <br /> 7. .Little River 5% (6) <br /> The highest and lowest concentration of elderly (65+) poor and living alone <br /> also reside in the central and northern Orange townships. The national average <br /> for elderly living alone is approximately 30% and classifed as poor is 19.5%. <br /> 1996 Federal DHHS poverty guidelines are $7,740 for single and $10,360 for a <br /> couple, and $12,980 for a family of three. The percentage of elderly (65+) poor <br /> and live alone by township is as follows: <br /> Township %/# of Elderly Poor %/# of Elderly Live Aone <br /> 1. Cheeks 45% (256) 47% (264) <br /> 2. Cedar Grove 24% (117) 48% (238) <br /> 3. Hillsborough 19% (221) 41% (480) <br /> 4. Bingham 10% (42) 36% (144) <br /> 5. Chapel Hill 9.7% (433) 34% (1,662) <br /> 6. Eno 7% (34) 30% (145) <br /> 7. Little River 9% (12) 17% (22) <br /> Community Focal Point. Many older adults expressed the need for a <br /> facility(s) that would be a highly visible focal point for services and <br /> activities of many kinds. It should be easily accessible with adequate space <br /> and be acceptable to the majority of seniors adults. In addition, Senior Centers <br /> Page 2 of 16 <br />