Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> • West Ten has been classified as collector road_ It has a 20 -foot <br /> pavement width(two lanes) located in a 60-foot right-of-M=, It is <br /> currently capable of handling 7500 vehicles ner day and had an <br /> average daily traffic volume of 1200 vehicles per day in 1994 <br /> • Buckhorn Road has been classified as collector road It has a 20-foot <br /> pavement width (two lanes) and is currently capable of handling 7500 <br /> vehicles per day and had an average daily traffic volume of 550 <br /> vehicles per day in 1993. <br /> Although the roadway and right-of-way width are considered adequate to <br /> handle the projected traffic,the widening of Buckhorn road to a 24-foot <br /> pavement width is preferred to matching the cross-section being installed <br /> as part of the I-85 widening, Grade crossing improvements at the <br /> Southern Railroad are warranted. <br /> eyed M—im-Fadii &r-easier-and trusk Paming-mevement are-alse <br /> waFFat#ed at the U.S., :70-11—Buc-k-h-e -iffter-seetion Also warranted are the <br /> installation of turn lanes and improved turn radii for easier and safer truck <br /> turning movements at the intersections of U.S 70/Buc c om Road <br /> Buckhorn Road/West Ten Road, and West Ten Road/Mt. Willing Road. <br />