Orange County NC Website
Chapel Hill will pay County the amount of the invoice within <br /> sixty days of the day it is received. <br /> 5 . The Project shall be directed by the Steering Committee <br /> of elected officials previously appointed by County, Carrboro and <br /> Chapel Hill, which Steering Committee shall oversee the work of a <br /> task force known as the "Task Force on Shaping Orange County' s <br /> Future. " <br /> 6 . County Planning and Inspections Department shall be <br /> principally responsible for staffing the Task Force work. <br /> Carrboro and Chapel Hill employees may be incidentally <br /> responsible for staffing the Task Force work. All personnel <br /> performing the staff work for the Task Force are and will remain <br /> throughout the Project employees of their respective units of <br /> government subject at all times solely to personnel rules and <br /> regulations of the unit of government for which they are <br /> employed. <br /> 7 . All contract services called for in Exhibits A and B <br /> shall be pursuant to and in conformance with contracts between <br /> County and the contractor. All such contracts shall be made <br /> available to and be subject to the advice and consent of the Town <br /> Manager of Carrboro and the Town Manager of Chapel Hill prior to <br /> their approval by County. <br /> 8 . Out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the parties will be <br /> paid by County pursuant to purchasing rules and requirements of <br /> County. Out-of-pocket expenses initially incurred by Carrboro or <br /> Chapel Hill shall be reimbursable to Carrboro and Chapel Hill <br /> 3 <br />