Orange County NC Website
2 . It is anticipated that the Project will take as long as <br /> 2 1/2 years to complete, spanning 4 fiscal years of the County, <br /> Carrboro and Chapel Hill . A tentative calendar containing cost <br /> estimates for completion of the Project is detailed on a document <br /> titled "SHAPING ORANGE COUNTY' S FUTURE - PROJECT CALENDAR/COST <br /> ESTIMATES, " a copy of which is Exhibit B to this Agreement . The <br /> total cost over the life of the Project is estimated to be <br /> $172, 244 . County, Carrboro and Chapel Hill agree to jointly pay <br /> that cost, County paying 57%, Carrboro paying 10 .5% and Chapel <br /> Hill paying 32 . 5% . <br /> 3 . To the extent that the Project cost is more than the <br /> $172, 244 estimated, the parties agree to split the additional <br /> cost on the same percentages as specified in the preceding <br /> paragraph, provided, the cost does not exceed the projection by <br /> ten percent (10%) . Any excess over projections that exceeds 10% <br /> for any fiscal year shall be presented to the parties for review <br /> and approval . <br /> 4 . County will provide Carrboro and Chapel Hill annually, <br /> beginning July 1, 1996, with a statement, based on Exhibit B, <br /> estimating the Project cost for the period ending June 30 <br /> thereafter and an "invoice" for the share of each to be paid to <br /> County. Each statement and invoice after the first will also <br /> contain a reconciliation of Project estimated cost and actual <br /> cost for the prior fiscal year and any adjustment based on the <br /> difference in estimated cost and actual cost . Carrboro and <br /> 2 <br />