Orange County NC Website
Budget Ordinance Amendment#9 Page 2 <br /> June 26, 1996 <br /> Health Department <br /> 5. On March 6, 1996,the Board of Commissioners accepted a State grant in the amount of$12,500. <br /> These will be used to provide maternity care coordination services to pregnant women who <br /> receive services at the UNC,School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine. During the <br /> first year,a Social Worker(1.0 FTE)will provide these services on a trial basis. Continuation of <br /> the program and authorized position are contingent upon review of the first year's outcomes and <br /> Medicaid reimbursement. <br /> The Health Department has also received additional School Health funds from the State. These <br /> funds,totaling$1,894,will enable the department to provide dental and eye care to school age <br /> children. Block#5 on page 5 contains the budget amendment related to both of these items. <br /> Cooperative Extension <br /> 6. Earlier this fiscal year,Orange County's Cooperative Extension 4-H and Youth Program <br /> received a$60,000 grant from North Carolina State University for summer enrichment camps to <br /> middle school youths. A grant project ordinance,Middle School Enrichment Camp,was approved <br /> by the Board of Commissioners on February 20, 1996. Recently,the Orange County Schools <br /> awarded this program$5,000 to use towards enrichment instructors and supplies. The attached <br /> Middle School Enrichment Camp Grant Project Ordinance provides for the receipt of these <br /> additional funds. <br /> Recreation and Parks <br /> 7. On February 20, 1996,the Board of County Commissioners approved the receipt of a State grass <br /> roots grant for the Arts Commission. That amendment increased the budget for the Recreation <br /> and Parks Department in the Human Services Function. The Arts Commission,however, is <br /> included in the Contributions to Outside Agencies function. This technical amendment transfers <br /> these monies to the appropriate County function(block#7,page 5). <br /> Department on Aging <br /> 8. Activities in this department have generated additional revenues this fiscal year. The number of <br /> persons registering for classes and renting facilities has increased significantly and resulted in <br /> approximately$20,000 more than originally budgeted. The receipt of these funds and associated <br /> expenditures are included in block#8,page5. <br /> Orange Public Transportation(OPT) <br /> 9. This department has received a Rural General Transportation grant,which totals$15,111.It will <br /> enable OPT to enhance services offered to residents located in rural areas of the County. In <br /> addition,the allocation from the State for Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance is <br /> $5,000 more than originally budgeted. <br /> OPT contracts with the Department of Social Services to provide mandated medical <br /> transportation services for Medicaid certified individuals. During this fiscal year,demand for this <br /> service has increased and resulted in additional funds for OPT. The additional revenues of <br /> $25,875 will be used to offset motor pool and taxi cab expenses incurred in providing this service. <br /> This Spring,the Board of County Commissioners approved the implementation of an Elderly <br /> and Disabled Medical Transportation program co-payment. These payments will help defray the <br /> costs of providing this service. It is estimated that$2,000 will be collected prior to June 30, 1996. <br /> Block#9 on page5 reflects the receipt of all of these OPT associated funds. <br /> Sheriffs Department <br /> 10. Members of this department have provided security at various special events at the <br /> University of North Carolina(UNC)during the fiscal year. The County has paid these <br /> officers through its payroll system,and in turn,has been reimbursed by UNC. The total <br />