Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> Additionally, a referral does not prohibit <br /> the Department from taking appropriate <br /> action to review or investigate matters in <br /> the complaint that raise issues cognizable <br /> under other civil rights authorities <br /> applicable to HUD programs. If possible, <br /> the Department will include in the <br /> transmittal of the complaint, information <br /> as to whether other civil rights <br /> authorities are applicable. If the <br /> Department cannot make a determination that <br /> other civil rights authorities apply within <br /> three days of the receipt of the complaint, <br /> the Department will forward the complaint <br /> and provide such additional information as <br /> soon as it is determined. <br /> (2) Cgi8laints first received by the Agency. <br /> When a complaint is filed with the Agency <br /> under its fair housing law, the Agency will <br /> forward it to the Field Office within 5. <br /> working days after receipt. The Agency <br /> shall indicate its case file number on the <br /> transmittal to HUD. Upon receipt of the <br /> complaint. HUD will assign a file number <br /> and notify the Agency within 5 working days <br /> of the Department's acceptance of the <br /> complaint as dual-filed. The Field Office <br /> will notify the Agency within 5 working <br /> days after the complaint has been received <br /> whether HUD has determined that other civil <br /> rights authorities are applicable. <br /> When the Agency receives a complaint, the <br /> complainant or aggrieved person shall be <br /> informed of his/her rights under the Fair <br /> Housing Act and encouraged to file a <br /> complaint with HUD. <br /> The time period for reactivation will begin <br /> upon the Agency's acknowledged date of <br /> receipt of the complaint. The Agency <br /> acknowledges receipt by dating the <br /> Department's enclosed return receipt, <br /> assigning an Agency case file number, and <br /> returning the receipt to the Field Office. <br /> HUD will begin monitoring of the complaint <br /> based on the Agency's acknowledged receipt <br /> date. <br />