Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> 2 <br /> The Agency is responsible'for the administration and <br /> enforcement of the Orange County Civil Rights Ordinance <br /> (OCCRO) as interpreted, implemented, explained or <br /> otherwise effected by Regulation, Rule, Directive, or <br /> Formal Opinion of the State Attorney General/Chief Law <br /> Officer of the jurisdiction, as appropriate. <br /> The Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal <br /> Opportunity, in applying the criteria set forth in the <br /> implementing regulations, has determined that the cited <br /> law provides rights, procedures, remedies, and judicial <br /> review for alleged discriminatory housing practices that <br /> are substantially equivalent to those provided in the Fair <br /> Housing Act. <br /> The law the Agency is charged with administering has <br /> not been in effect for a sufficient time to permit <br /> demonstration of compliance with the performance standards <br /> described in 24 CFR 115.203 . Therefore; the Department <br /> and the Agency are entering into this interim agreement. <br /> III. DSFINITIONS <br /> As used in this interim agreement: <br /> A. "Agency* or 'OCHRC" means the Orange County <br /> Human Relations Commission. <br /> B. "Aggrieved person" includes any person who: <br /> (1) claims to have been injured by a <br /> discriminatory housing practice; or <br /> (2) believes that such person will be injured <br /> by a discriminatory housing practice that <br /> is about to occur. <br /> C. "Commence proceedings" means when the Agency has <br /> received a complaint, assigned a case number, <br /> determined acceptability, and assigned the <br /> complaint for investigation and resolution. <br /> D. "Complainant" means the person who files a <br /> complaint under the Ordinance or Section 810 of <br /> the Fair Housing Act. <br />