Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> 10 <br /> C. To consistently and affirmatively seek the <br /> elimination of all prohibited practices under <br /> its fair housing law; <br /> D. To inform the Department of any changes in <br /> duties or responsibilities in addition to the <br /> administration of the fair housing law; <br /> E. To provide the Department, annually, data <br /> showing changes in the organization of the <br /> agency, funding and personnel made available for <br /> the enforcement of the fair housing law; and <br /> F. To immediately notify the Department of any <br /> changes in its fair housing law, regulations, <br /> directives; any pertinent opinions of the State <br /> Attorney General or the Chief Legal Officer of <br /> the Agency' s jurisdiction. <br /> VII. COMPLAINT PROCESSING <br /> A. The Department will refer to the Agency any <br /> complaint filed with the Department that alleges <br /> a violation of the Agency's fair housing law for <br /> processing. <br /> B. The Agency agrees to accept any complaint <br /> referred to it by the Department, and to process <br /> such complaint. The Agency further agrees that <br /> no complaint referred to it by the Department <br /> involving discriminatory housing practices will <br /> be referred to any other Agency. <br /> C. Investigations <br /> To ensure that complaint investigations are <br /> effective, the Agency and the Department agree <br /> that: <br /> (1) The Agency and the Department will have <br /> mutual access to all relevant information <br /> in each other's possession during the <br /> investigation of a complaint (access also <br /> may be requested from other local, State <br /> and/or Federal agencies as appropriate) <br /> unless they are legally restricted from <br /> doing so; <br />