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3 <br /> PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT <br /> [DRAFT] <br /> REFERENCE: Subdivision Regulations <br /> Section III-C-4 Action Subsequent to Approval (minor subdivision) <br /> Section III-D-3-c Action Subsequent to Approval (major subdivision) <br /> ORIGIN OF AMENDMENT: X Staff Planning Board <br /> BOCC Public <br /> Other: <br /> EXPECTED PUBLIC HEARING DATE: June 26, 1996 <br /> Purpose of Amendment: The proposed amendment will delete the requirement for a <br /> Planning Staff member to be present each time a final plat is recorded in the Register of <br /> Deeds Office. <br /> Impacts/Issues: The Subdivision Regulations require approved final plats for major <br /> and minor subdivisions to be recorded in the presence of the Planning Department to <br /> assure that all required documents associated with the Final Plat are recorded as well. <br /> This requires a Planning Staff member to go to the Register of Deeds Office each time a <br /> final plat is recorded. This process is time consuming for the Planning Staff member as <br /> well as the applicant and has not been the practice of the Planning Department. A system <br /> has been developed that provides the Register of Deeds with a list of items to be recorded <br /> with the final plat,thereby alleviating the need for a Planning Staff member to be present. <br /> When a final plat is released by the Planning Staff,the Staff fills out the plat release form <br /> and checks applicable items to be recorded with the final plat. The staff member also <br /> initials each document to be recorded. The applicant must present the plat release form, <br /> along with the required documents to the Register of Deeds Office in order for the plat to <br /> be recorded. After recordation,the Register of Deeds returns the list to the Planning Staff <br /> to provide evidence that all required items were recorded. The list is then placed in the <br /> project file. <br /> EXISTING AND PROPOSED ORDINANCE TEXT: <br /> III-C-4: Action Subsequent to Approval (minor subdivision) <br /> The Planning Director or his/her designated representative shall endorse <br /> approval on a reproducible mylar original of the Final Plat if the Planning <br /> Department approves an application either with or without conditions. The <br /> applicant shall record such plat and any associated documents necessary to <br /> assure conformance with regulations in the Officer of the Register of Deeds <br /> within ninety (90)days after the Planning Director's endorsement of approval. <br /> If such plat is not recorded within the specified time period,the minor <br /> subdivision plat is void. The Planning Director may extend this deadline <br />