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s/zol� Pc.nnt�liaG p�AX-D N�r��ris 23 <br /> D <br /> � p <br /> } protected watershed. Willis noted that for purposes of private road <br /> density in a p zoning is what is referred <br /> justification and such issues as character,the underlying purpose,watershed <br /> to by the Staff. The watershed overlay serves a different pure <br /> and water quality protection. <br /> Walters asked about item F 2a in the Resolution of Approval that stated-30-foot <br /> easement through the common area. Kirk responded that should read: 30-foot <br /> drainage easement through lots 5 and 6 and this will be corrected before forwarding <br /> to the County Commissioners. <br /> Katz asked for an explanation of a viewshed easement. Kirk responded that it is an <br /> easement that protects the scenic view. Nothing could be placed in the easement <br /> that would obstruct the scenic view. <br /> Ann Joyner,developer,stated that the purpose of the viewshed easement is to keep <br /> the scenic view intact as opposed to ownership and maintenance by a Homeowner's <br /> Association. It is totally open and would make a good pasture for such animals as <br /> donkeys, horses and goats. Ms.Joyner continued that the covenants state that <br /> fences and wells will be the only things allowed in the easement. The easement will <br /> go with the land in perpetuity. <br /> Ms.Joyner stated that the Planning Board and Staff should clarify open space and <br /> the concept of ownership. There is currently no concept of who owns common area <br /> or open space. In this case,it will be owned by lots 5 and 6 but they will not be <br /> allowed to obscure the view. <br /> Brown asked for clarification of the septic fields and house locations. Steve <br /> Yuhasz,surveyor,indicated that the homesite will be toward the southern property <br /> line and the septic system will be located adjacent to the intersection of the new <br /> subdivision road and New Sharon Church Road. <br /> Brown also asked the width of the viewshed easement and Kirk responded 100' on <br /> each side of the drainage easement. <br /> MOTION: Howie moved approval as recommended by the Planning Staff with the correction in <br /> F2 of the Resolution of Approval and the addition of viewshed easement. Seconded <br /> by Katz. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> (2) The Clearings at Tom's Creek <br /> (25 Lots-Bingham Township) <br /> Presentation by Emily Cameron. <br /> The property is located in the northwest comer of Bingham Township on the east <br /> side of Mebane Oaks Road(SR 1007)near the intersection of Jones Road(SR <br /> 1123)and the Alamance County line. The tract is zoned Agricultural Residential <br /> and Cane Creek Protected Watershed. In the Land Use Element of the <br /> Comprehensive Plan,it is designated as Agricultural Residential and Water Supply <br /> Watershed. <br /> The total acreage of the tract is 137.5 acres.Adjacent land uses are residential and <br />