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17 <br /> Barrows noted that there were already subdivision roads accessing Whitfield Road, <br /> She expressed concern that another is being added and none will line up with <br /> existing roads. Cameron responded that the location of this subdivision road was <br /> chosen because of the steep hill and curve. She also noted that it has been approved <br /> by NCDOT. Hoecke also responded that site distance at this location is much better. <br /> Brown asked which lots have septic easements. Cameron responded lots 2, 3, 18& <br /> 19. <br /> Brooks asked if the systems are all to be conventional systems. Mr.David Morris, <br /> one of the developers, responded that they are to be conventional systems. Brooks <br /> also asked about the number of bedrooms and the response was five. <br /> Brown asked about the expected buildout time and the response was two years. She <br /> also asked about price range and the response was$500,000.00. <br /> MOTION: Hoecke moved approval as recommended by the Planning Staff. Seconded by <br /> Allison. <br /> VOTE: 8 in favor. <br /> 3 opposed(Barrows-concerned with off-site septic easments and the entryway, <br /> Brooks-disappointed that more effort was not made toward affordable <br /> housing, Rosemond-also concerned with off-site septic systems). <br /> AGENDA ITEM#9: MATTERS HEARD AT PUBLIC HEARING 2/26/96 <br /> a. Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments <br /> (1) Article 8.2 Special Uses <br /> (A copy of the abstract with proposed amendments is an attachment to these <br /> minutes on pages ) <br /> Mary Willis noted that this item was heard at public hearing on February 28 and the <br /> Planning Board discussed it at the March 18 meeting. There were questions and <br /> concerns and the Planning Board tabled the item until the County Attorney could be <br /> present to address those questions. Willis introduced County Attorney,Geoffrey <br /> Gledhill,noting that the amendment was initiated by him and she felt he would be <br /> best able to answer questions and address concerns from the Planning Board. <br /> Gledhill stated that Special Uses are uses that the County Commissioners have <br /> decided,as a matter of policy,are okay provided certain conditions are met. The <br /> decision has already been made to allow the use;however,the use must comply with <br /> the conditions contained in the Special Use Permit section of the Zoning Ordinance. <br /> Gledhill continued that in working through challenges to Special Use Permit <br /> decisions the last few years, he had discovered some confusion and ambiguity in the <br /> way the Special Use Permit Section is set up. This has made it difficult to explain <br /> just what the process is to the courts. The proposed amendment is intended to make <br /> that explanation simple.The main thrust of the first page of amendments is that the <br /> burden of proof is on the applicant. The applicant must clearly prove that the <br /> request for a Special Use Permit meets all the facts and conditions of approval. The <br /> Board of Commissioners must make findings that those facts have been found. <br /> The three general conditions are: <br />