Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> EFLAND-CHEEKS <br /> SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY PARK <br /> DRAFT PROPOSAL SUMMARY <br /> OFFERED BY <br /> UNITED VOICES OF EFLAND-CIIEEKS <br /> AND <br /> EFLAND-CIIEEKS SCHOOL PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION <br /> United Voices of Efland-Cheeks, a community-based organization of citizens and <br /> residents concerned with improving the quality of life in the Efland-Cheeks area, <br /> and <br /> Efland-Cheeks School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) <br /> propose the development of an Efland-Cheeks School and Community Park utilizing the <br /> existing land and facilities of the Efland-Clieeks Elementary School and the Efland-Cheeks <br /> Community Center. <br /> TIIE PARK IS TO BE: <br /> • a focal point for family and community recreation <br /> • a recreation/education center for the members of the Efland-Cheeks School <br /> community <br /> • a safe and desirable community space that promotes and furthers the health, <br /> safety and well-being of the residents of Efland-Cheeks. <br /> • A preservation of an important open space for the Efland-Cheeks community <br /> And it will: <br /> • enhance activities now being provided by both the school and the community <br /> center. <br /> • eliminate duplication of services and activities while providing comprehensive <br /> recreational space and activities for Efland-Cheeks residents of all ages. <br /> • foster the already existing relationship between the school and our senior citizens <br /> by providing a myriad of possible activities. <br /> During school days and hours, the park will be a integral part of the school's recreationlphysical <br /> education program. After school hours and on week-ends and during the summer months, the <br /> park will provide a safe, wholesome recreational space for families and young people of all ages. <br /> The park will include supervised recreational activities for young children, teens and <br /> seniors as well as facilities for adult recreation, and family outings. Proposed activities include <br /> the following: <br /> (Continued on Back Side) <br />