Orange County NC Website
VI. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - None <br /> VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None <br /> VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION--CONSENT AGENDA (8 :30-8 :40) <br /> (Any item may be removed for separate consideration) <br /> A. Minutes <br /> B. Home and Community Care Block Grant 1996-97 Funding Plan <br /> C. Classification Plan Amendment--Human Rights and Relations <br /> Director <br /> D. Classification Plan Amendment--Dental Hygienist <br /> E. Impact Fee Reimbursement <br /> F. 1996-97 Contract Between the NC Department of Environment, <br /> Health and Natural Resources and the Orange County Health <br /> Department <br /> G. Contract with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission <br /> (EEOC) <br /> H. Orange County HOME Consortium Agreement <br /> I . 1996 HOME Program Design Revision <br /> J. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment--Article 8 . 2 <br /> Special Uses <br /> K. The Clearings at Tom' s Creek--Preliminary Plan <br /> L. Pendle Hill--Preliminary Plan <br /> M. Budget Ordinance Amendment #8 <br /> IX. ITEMS FOR DECISION--REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. Proposed Amendment--Educational Facilities Impact Fee <br /> Ordinance (8 :40-9 : 00) <br /> B. Fire Inspection Program Fee Schedule (9 : 00-9 : 15) <br /> C. North Hill Subdivision--Preliminary Plan (9 :15-9 :20) <br /> D. Bid Award--Southern Human Services Center Construction <br /> (9 :20-9 :40) <br /> E. Visitor Bureau--New Positions and Classification Plan <br /> Amendment (9 :40-9 :50) <br /> F. Implementation Policy for Flexible Development Regulations <br /> (9 :50-10 : 00) <br /> X. REPORTS <br /> A. Human Services/Welfare Reform Task Force (10 : 00-10 : 15) <br /> XI. APPOINTMENTS <br /> A. Appointments to the Shaping Orange County' s Future Task <br /> Force (10 :15-10 :20) <br /> XII. MINUTES (See Consent Agenda) <br /> XIII. CLOSED SESSION - To discuss matters related to the location or <br /> expansion of a business in Orange County (G.S. 143- <br /> 318 . 11 (4) ) (10 :20-10 :30) <br /> XIV. ADJOURNMENT <br />