Orange County NC Website
Final (million S) question: <br /> If you had one million dollars to spend in Orange County for teenagers, how would you <br /> spend it? <br /> The top priorities were: <br /> 1. Come up with a place where the students of Chapel Hill High and Orange High <br /> can come together and have fun(planned by students or with student input) -- <br /> restaurant/club/coffee shop/cafe—place to just hang out--don't have to actually <br /> do anything and a place run by young adults 25 years or younger. <br /> 2. Halfway house for teenagers(in-house tutor). <br /> 3. Community activity, recreation, entertainment center for youths between two <br /> schools. <br /> 4. Need cheaper places to go. Teenagers work to support the community just as <br /> adults do,but their financial resources are limited. <br /> 5. Job development/careers (safe environment)to help get jobs. <br /> General Summary: <br /> Youths want and need respect and support from the adults in their community. They <br /> express a willingness to take responsibility for their own issues,but realize that there <br /> needs to be better communication between the community generations so that <br /> understanding and support might develop. They strongly ask for safety protection and a <br /> stronger sense of law and discipline in their schools. They want the adult community to <br /> recognize their many positive abilities and achievements and to make suggestions as to <br /> how this can be done. <br /> There is an overwhelming message that youths think a county mechanism(place, <br /> organization?)which is youth directed might allow them to pursue their own <br /> responsibilities in the community. <br /> 8 <br />