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28 <br /> report has reviewed both peak flow attenuation and nutrient loading/treatment <br /> requirements. <br /> Proposed Drainage: The proposed roadways on-site will mirror existing grades as closely as <br /> possible and limited clearing and grading are anticipated. Roadways will be <br /> public roads with curb and gutter and drainage from roadways will be <br /> discharged to swales located along natural drainage ways wherever possible. <br /> Where necessary, treatment and detention measures will be provided and the <br /> design and sizing of said devices will be coordinated heavily with Orange <br /> County Erosion Control in an effort to prevent unnecessary removal of mature <br /> trees in the area. <br /> REQUIREMENTS: <br /> Stormwater Orange County requires that new development comply with the following rules <br /> Management regarding stormwater management and conveyance: <br /> 1. Provide Nutrient Treatment and removal of 85% TSS from the runoff <br /> produced from the 1-in storm event. Due to its location in the Upper <br /> New Hope watershed, this would require removal of both Nitrogen and <br /> Phosphorous. <br /> 2. Provide peak rate reduction for the 1-year, 24 hour storm events to <br /> pre-development rates. <br /> Although this report is preliminary, we have assumed these conditions would <br /> be the most restrictive cases and have also reviewed the 2-yr and 10-yr storms <br /> for informational purposes. <br /> ANALYSIS: <br /> Stormwater The new Lake Jordan Accounting Tool was used to determine nutrient loading <br /> Management requirements based on the preliminary design and impervious limits discussed <br /> (Quality) with the Owner. Breakdowns of the area are presented with attached <br /> calculations. <br /> Stormwater Based on the area breakdown prepared above and incorporating the upstream <br /> Management(Peak areas contributing to the entire basin, Pre and Post Development discharges <br /> Flow Attenuation) were calculated using Hydraflow Hydrographs. <br /> RESULTS: <br /> Detailed calculations are provided in the Attachments at the end of this report. The results of the required <br /> calculations are summarized below. <br /> Stormwater Management <br /> Based on values calculated using the Lake Jordan Accounting Tool, the site will require minimal amounts <br /> of treatment. It appears that treatment for this site could be provided by level spreaders and filter strips <br /> located below a portion of the houses and the roadways. Per the values noted in the accounting tool, use <br /> of level spreaders and filter strips below the roadway and 7 of the 11 lots would provide adequate <br /> treatment for the site. Note that final design will be heavily coordinated design with Orange County <br /> Erosion Control and may incorporate alternative treatment strategies to those presented. <br />