1996 S Purchasing - Patriot Building Co Inc for Bid Award Maintenance work at the Historic Courhouse
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
1996 S Purchasing - Patriot Building Co Inc for Bid Award Maintenance work at the Historic Courhouse
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/26/2013 11:43:54 AM
Creation date
10/24/2013 8:58:40 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 05-14-1996 - VIII-I
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hm if sLwh lien to ank uns2thified after payraencs are made, 04 to proptxty which may obit out of or reatrit from the <br /> the Contractor at a ce6tnd to tie Owna all moncy that the Contractor's operations tinder tfre cor►aat, aahetha such <br /> Owtxx tray be coatpdied to pay in dkchaging suds lkm operations be by the Gmtracww or by a 9uboo ufackm a any- <br /> bwkW ng s1 oosts and mosonabic attorneys' Sees. one directly or iadu ectly empioyod by any of than.This insm- <br /> 15.5 The makazg Of pvytlne rte atoll corierittive a vtraitFet of a Noe dug be written for not lest than hauts of liabilrty spoeibed <br /> claims by the Owner emcpc those mining from o the Conv[ct bocturlaxs or MJC C00t Ct hw, wiry kM c <br /> vcrtge 13 grcata, d st>A1l itldtrde Corrtractttli liahlticy itrstr <br /> .1 licM c aim,seomsy interests or ettcuMbances arts. anm appikcsble to the Cormaceor's abHptions under Psragtaptt <br /> iqg our of the Contract and raise tied- 9.12. Certificates of such insu wwc shalt be sled with the <br /> .2 Wure of the Work so coanply with the n quiremecea Owner prior to rte CoantteaCemcm of the Work. <br /> of the Comma Documents;or 17.2 The Owner shall be rmponsibie The pumtasin$and m2in- <br /> .3 te[!ns of spoeial vuarr=93 required by the Contract --jnjng the dwrrter's ukw tiabiitity iaSetCance. Op6mdly, the <br /> UocumaYts. Owner my purchase and maintain odor irlsu» for sdf- <br /> Acceptvxr of final payment by the Contractor,a SubcantrAc- ptotettlon against chime which may arise from Operations <br /> for or ctrdternt suppGcr duff goo rAdcute a waives of c.*m by under the Contract.The Contractor shad not he rmpordbk for <br /> that patycc emcept those ptee=kxWy made in writing and ideal- puxchaslag and maintaining this opaonai owner's liability <br /> fled by that payee a mWded at rite tunc of 8x1 AppNoWn tontrunce unka specfficaly mired by the Contract <br /> for Payment. Done mmcs. <br /> 17.2 UnkrA Odierwifs provident, the Owner stlall peadUW <br /> a04 rmainmltn,in a compa W or cc nVo%im lawfully audwtkwd <br /> AM= to do btmkm S in the pub diedw in which die Ptt pis is <br /> PROIECI y OF PERSOM AM PROPERTY looted,property Vwxaaoe upon the entire mock at the aloe to <br /> the full 3 munbie vahrc tbenot This tmum Ce shaft be on an ai- <br /> 16.1 7'm Gxtcactor shall be tesponsMe Ibr trMating,aukn- eak pow'fvnn and shall bxkK a imeoesu of the owner,the <br /> mw ft and alpem* tg all salary pocautions aad PCOSMM in Work i shalt rite perils of fire and minded <br /> connection with the pedlan man m of the Coonaa. The COa- <br /> stactor tthar rice rosonabk prtx�trtiona fog of,and shall coveage and pleq+s"lass ordame kwhxke without&Vli- <br /> pt�reasonable f�t�tO p�der WjM of logs coon of eosrcrrge,theft.vattdalftat and Utah alitichief. <br /> to: 17A 4 bas itataad undies O waec's psopuW Knee dub be <br /> ,1 employees on the Work and otber pemm who may adjusrecl with ttne Owner and a2 rd, payable W On garner as <br /> be at'fected thereby: liductary br the their interests rosy appear,subject <br /> .3 die Work and matesids and equ*mat to be kxw- to the mq%wcm nts of any appiim ift mottgagwr darter. <br /> [orated dm=it4 and 17.6 The Owocr shalt f e s copy of eadi policy with rte Cotes <br /> ,3 Other ptOpMy at the site ex a*cem thcMW. tractor belae an exposure to tole tray ooau.Each policy Amll <br /> The Con�r d=fi gft taptloes and QWWly with sppicabte a Prom' ma We policy wilt not be aanaotied err <br /> Llm,otdinacne ea,n*!S.VWAr loot and kwfol or+cias esf public slo"1Od to eq*e,ng at least 30 dWW prior WCOM nD6=has <br /> a tlMda bmdrlg on sa8ety of pecans and psvperty and Hilt been gloat►to the Contmmc. <br /> protection frrom der ml OF injury or Imm. The cone=stroll 17.0 The Owner and C Vnctm waiMe on cighss a pkw ca 2n <br /> pnompdy remedy d WxW and lots to property it the six pdxr and the Ardflmeq,AnNwWs'Qp s,sqxmc cock. <br /> Caused in whole or to part by tbeC4s=2cmc.a SkAmantmdoe.a t MIM dcmzgXd In Artleie 1 Z,if arty,and any of their Sttbcocr. <br /> any direcdy or itdimcdy ercnpk qed tractors, es, agears and eanptWCes, for d2ol- <br /> by any of theta+,or by anyone ft wheat:ass they pray be liable 200 cpAnd by fire at other per*to We MW covered by <br /> and for which the Cosmaaat is ttspons2ft under%bpmw pralmy koxwme obudned rummtru to this Ardek 17 or any <br /> graphs 16.12 sod 16.3-%eaaept for or logs stmbunbk other Pm*cRy knmmme appkd*to the block, oxpt$UCh <br /> to acts or oaft ions of ttie OwoaotArr tired or by atmygne for e4ha as fty tW have m the proccals of such ii MWAn a hid <br /> whose acts dgber of thaw tmty be little.,and not mcclbutable to by the Owner s ftx tacy.This Coma=shall require siroft <br /> the twit or rAgVg sxx of the Cott nMr.'rte fotgp ft OMW waterers in ltrvi0l[Of dw Owner and tine CAttMWW by Subaonr <br /> tiorts of the e.arnrcaecor are in aetdglon a cite CAnntcaeaoe's obi: tsarina WAS .The Owner"regtot:mni. <br /> gations under Paragraph 9.12. hr wdv— in-hvct of WC ow=aitd Connvnw by tree Atdg- <br /> 10.2 The Contractor"nix be rued to pedoM wkhOuc test.AT61MM'a co nvAtarms, cantetctosa aged at <br /> cocamc any Vock mckfing to asbaeas or p6Wdonnand Attie 12,if any,and nits sutmu aoe m <br /> Men and WVIQyees of any of tbrQ1, <br /> ARTIME IY ' mer a is <br /> NMRANM ' CORRICTM OF WOW <br /> 17.1 The Contactor shall purthm ftom and tint prod n in a 1a.1 The Contractor shall prormpdy cone cz Work ttjoa red by <br /> company or companies kwk*mahoaimd co do business in the Aednit=ON tiling to eonfona to the requV ammtts of dw <br /> site ju ndw" in whit the Project Is kxatod Insumwe for t:ortttaa Docamma, whedw observed before Of after Sub- <br /> promccion dram clamor under workers'or w orkmea's mm=)- Santial Corapkslan and whetter or not ftbticateed,Wmatw or <br /> sauon aim and other cmVbVft benefit acts which are appiw- C004Aeted, and stmt Correct way Wotit found to be rat in <br /> able, claims for damages beceate of bodily initery, iacbdiag amrdwm--with the t+egtutmmo of the COWS*Docturnatm <br /> death, and ft m chtaa roe damages,odm dun to tin:block wWm a psxiod or one year hom the date err Caen- <br /> 0 4107-1967 UM.s AUt6tnVn OF AVCHrf%=, 1755 P49W YOU A 1t�W�ASM140TOre.D.C.®2W6 <br />
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