Orange County NC Website
92 T'he Conmacoor sha0 review, approve and submit to the AR[1CL9 1010 <br /> erchttect Shop Drawings, Product Dat4 and sirntbr ADM{I�ISTRATpN OF Tlh�OOW7 RAC <br /> sttbrs4aals required by the Centro t Documents With Mmoit <br /> able promptness- TM Brock shad be in accordance with 10.1 The Architect will provide adminatradots of the Gonsraa <br /> approved mce aebt>ni o1 secure pre i�m o r cestiEicni i n of peed and will be the Owner's reprewntad-t(1)daring GDaGM92iDA, <br /> forett�e crisenie ofd spttttms or eQuiprrtettt is requited <br /> by the Contract Doeuumnak the Architect atoll be tntitied to (2)tmtil cal payment is due and(3)With Hie Ovracr'I CDcCYa: <br /> rdy upon the accuracy and corapictweis of such cestacafions. lentos,ftm time to time dining the correction period described <br /> in Paragraph 18.1 <br /> 9.9 The Conttactor did loaep she preartises and swroundiM 10.2 The Architect will visit the site at intervals sppnopetase to <br /> arc+ free fMm. acomnulatioo of waste rnatteriais or ndAMh the stsgc of Sian to become aw=agy famdw with the <br /> cKwed by ope moons under rite Contract.At deem of rite progress xtd q%vlih,of the camplesed Work and CO deserrnine <br /> Work the Contractor shall ronovt hom and about tote Pr+ojea in yyet d it the Work is beatg perforntcd in a man=indcar- <br /> waste aucrilb, nrbbM, cite Contractors roofs, eonuruiction ing that the Work,when completed,writ be in axardtfu a with <br /> cquipr, ,machinery and Surplus nrtateri & the Conu=Downents.However, the Ardutatt will not be <br /> 9.10 The Contractor straw provide the owner and Architect required to stake a xhztxthe or coned uxNs on-site inspections <br /> arras to the Work in preparation and %Wm wherever to check 9uaRy or quumty of ease Work. On the bays of on- <br /> located, site observations as ao ardsneet, the Ard*ect will keep the <br /> Ow ncr kd mud of progress of the Weak and wdl endeavot to <br /> 5.11 Tlse Contractor shall pay %1l wayraltles and bmnst fee% guard the Owner agaiisc detects and dudes in the Fork. <br /> shall defcnd suits or anions for infw*emant of p"=rights and 10A The Archaect will not Davie oonuvl over a of sod <br /> shall hold the Owner hstmless foal los11 on acoamt thereof, charge <br /> but dull not be responsible for such defense of 10115 when a rAques,wiR not tut maps or p foe dwre rite r k tenses.lecoindr.,tech <br /> particular de sgn.process or prvcluat of a particular mazubc- progrA segeaertoea or on W lures,of f�safety thew am S and <br /> tuner on manuftcamem b required by the Contract Documents p m Lion With due wait,saes there r4 .solely <br /> unlen11 the C Muter has reat5oi to believe that these is an <br /> Corttactot's tesponwblRty as provided is Paragraphs 9.1 <br /> f,-1 P Pmnt of patent. and Id.l.The.Arehitect we not be napoaatble foe the Conuac- <br /> toes,inure to czar Ott me Worst in accowdimm with the Con- <br /> 9J2 To the fullest c&ww parrnAW by btw, the Corxrrcaor tract Docuoov= <br /> shaII%demnify and hold harmiesn the Owe Architect,Atchi- 10.4 Based on the Archiroct's observatiotee aid evahmnias of <br /> tea's consultants. and agent and cmplcyeei�of any of diem die Goiumtoes for the Architect Wig <br /> from and agOna ctalms,dates,'ashes and expenses,indud- rs:vieW and OMdy the�amourn des des Convict r And will <br /> img but not liutited to zwff eys'lem arising out of or teaahft issue C.adicates for Payracm in snub=Wunts- <br /> fh nt paforntanee of the Work,p avided d=t such claWL dam- <br /> agt, low or.xpasse is stmbtitnble to bodily In fury.tticI x P , 10.3 The Atdsioect WE iritaprrs and decide note cal l coocern- <br /> dicase or death,or to injury to at dem ucam of tangible p1op WS Odormw=under and retluketnents of the Contract Doctt <br /> e"(other alai the Wodt two irm*3d11ng km of use resltftiig awnts on wdm-A quest of ddw the Owner or Conuactar. <br /> thcekom,but only-to the extent mused in whole or in pates by The Aac)tk=Will isslte k"demons on all ctaienk disputes <br /> t1 gNgertt acct or and or the Contractor,a Subcontractor, or other simmers in quawn between the Oea w and Contract <br /> anyone ftectly or oftettly employed by them or=Vow fft tor,but Will not be ledge for n+esutts of any kranpremnotis or or wt decisions rendered in good hW The Arclutect's dcoAom in <br /> whose am they my be 1101e. rqprdkn of such ruin, bas a xpcwt is ptaed i part b s party maim r+eadag w aestbcdc effect will be And tf cue eau with <br /> irtctertutilsed bercunder.Such obliquion dull not be e0nsaued the intern a omsed in the Comma Doaaments.All other ded- <br /> to negate, abddg, or reduce other Agents or oblgslom of saris of the Ardriaect,eutoept those which have been waved <br /> idemnity w1UM waild otherwise wire as to a party or person by making or aces xmce of And payment,sisal be saA*0 to <br /> destrF*W in this PgrapVtt 9.12. tebltrstion upon the Wettm donand of either party. <br /> 9.12.1 to daimi apprise any person or entity indemni iod 194 The Ardulectt wA have zabodty 40 t"VCT Work which <br /> wxicr dais Paragpstph 9.12 by sea►employee of the Cortn'taotr,a don not perform to the Cottrarct DOCmtuanr. <br /> Ubconawtor,wryone dinocdyat y aqftqcd by them 10.7 The Architect wd w4ew and approve cc Wo other <br /> or anyone for wbOse data they may be tabft the i xkwmdc - appropriate action upon the Conuxin s: xrbmituk swb as <br /> tion o0hption under dal11 Psragzaph 9.12 shat rut be limited by Shop Daw fiV4 Product Drs sad Samples,but only fbr the <br /> a liro*awn Dn amttat m a type of danygm eocoetamdon or licked papm of cisoeltirtg for aonkmmance With iubtamfoi <br /> berwTos payable by or For the ConctKux or a gubcoustacwr given amd the design concept tspnawd in the Contract <br /> under wed ms' or wsarkmeae's consperdation aerie, efbWxUy Documents. <br /> ba w t acct cc other empbyee beriefyt tM <br /> M Al claias or dbpum between the Conawtor aid the <br /> 9.122 The obllpsdam of the Coatnictos trader this PuagWb . Owner amM out or rdttd i to the CQnnuct, or an breach <br /> 9.12 shall not extend to the liability of the Ard*et_t,the Aran. thereof,anal be decided by nttbitra tiou is arcc rddancA with the <br /> tea's cordukarm„ dead dames send c mploym of my of;heat C.onxtr+ucsimt Industry Arbitration Rules of the Aiueaidart Arbi- <br /> zb t:$owe or(1)the pteperman oe approval of Wraps,da wlaW tzad=Aaaociationt currendy in a ffea unless the prrtks mutu- <br /> opiiioas, r+epoi , wrimya. ChaW Orders, Caastrrccbn ally ingot oditrww dad subject to ors i IUW pamr Wujon of the <br /> Chatugc Diraathtrea,desWw or apecit'soiois,or(2)the gisit of clsinn or dispum to die Architect as required under Paawph <br /> or the%&M to$049 dleactiaes or ftatructOns by the Architect, 10.5,Notice of die demand for wbitrafion torah be!Sled in wrk- <br /> the Ard*e cc's eon*d ant,aid agmes and enggoyees of any or h*with the otter party to dus ftmetnmc and with the Ameri. <br /> diem provided such gm ft or haute to give is Hie primary can AtbkratiDn Association and steal be triode within a reason- <br /> cam of the injury or damage. able c9me 2ftr the dispute:.has adsen.The award rendered by <br /> AtYl000atl�lrl'AtOr`A>IDMr�MTLDd'A'l1R•CAN'r�111C1'� T`Pt�rrllt�ln70t1�ers� ��r997 <br /> 7 A107-1987 Tit!AMU WAN 1NS'rinffz of Asiotrncts, 1135 Now Yoltx Av=X Nil.wpauxup^ D.C.Y000b <br /> vw►antitsh tingetslMNd F�Onttta vlolslos ql�eoprrraltlera and to tnnn�rot to tupu otw�c.ttaa <br />