Orange County NC Website
r A 1� 1;L g <br /> FINAL PA"AlKr <br /> 6.1 Final pnpcmau,eoth dVAtne the entire unpaid balance of the Cattr=Sum,s?M be made by the ow ncr to the Contracwc when <br /> the Voik has be=eompimd,the Contract fulfil Performed,and a ffiral Certifiers far Paymern tsar been as od by fie Archioca. <br /> AF171p.E 6 <br /> EILMERA,noN OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS <br /> 6.1 The Contr= DoCumem axe Voted in Article 7 2nd, Fir For Modifications issued after Ma ion of this Agterrnan,m <br /> enumaned as follows: See Exhibit C <br /> 8.1.1 The Agroetttent is thb czm- tcd Abbmvi tcd Form of Agv=m me 8ctwcen ownet sad ContrAaor,Au Documenc A107,1987 <br /> Edition. <br /> 6.1.Z The SuppWavrrM and other Conditions of the Conastct are those contained in the Pt+ojea Mzunl dated <br /> 4-18-93 a*dm2$kA0vV3. See Exhibit C <br /> 1poca� '17>se � <br /> 6.1.8. I'm 9petoificaiotts arc those conwinad in the Project lblatanl deed m in Subp=2g=pb 6.1.2,and are of fn&mw. <br /> (Ether trd*a ads ApmmlN.) <br /> Sectim 1'iNs <br /> See Exhibit C <br /> wMOOCtwtarrwl♦t•sesaEVaraao eGS�t1'•[ltiitt •ebt• .019!7 <br /> 7m AMaenrtw owartxre or wnuracTs, IM MW YOau avtu M N.rr WANOCTOM D.C.moos A107-1867 4 <br /> V$dVma unown"d phassoopyhrq vk&fi-tt9_eowrnpta Nha Md Is=AJast to Neat emsaaa AML <br />