1996 S Purchasing - Patriot Building Co Inc for Bid Award Maintenance work at the Historic Courhouse
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
1996 S Purchasing - Patriot Building Co Inc for Bid Award Maintenance work at the Historic Courhouse
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/26/2013 11:43:54 AM
Creation date
10/24/2013 8:58:40 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 05-14-1996 - VIII-I
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\1990's\1996\Agenda - 05-14-1996
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} pletion of the Ccxttaet fir by Lerms of an applicable spccW war- ARTIICLE 20 <br /> rwty required by the Contract dotLiments. The provisions of <br /> this Article l8 apply to Work done by Subcontructors as wet as TMNATUON OF THE CONTRACT <br /> to Worit dose by direct cmploym of the Contactor, <br /> 18.E N othitng contained in the Article 1S shalt be construed to <br /> establish a period of limitul n with respett to odxs oblWadons <br /> which the Contractor might have under the Contact ooctr- 20.1 if The Architect fails to recommend payment for a period <br /> mrnts. 8stablishment: of the time period of one year as of 30 cbys through too fault of the CcxurActtx,or if ft Owner <br /> described in Paragniph 18.1 relates only to the specific obilga- fails TO make payment thereon for a period of 30 days,the Con- <br /> tion of the Contractor to correct the Work,and has no celatiott- tractor may,upon seven addkkxnf days'writtCA notice t0 LhC <br /> strip to the time within which the obliguion to comply with the Owner and the Archite c% teenirn c the Contract and recover <br /> Contract Docurnem may be soTrglft to be enfotoccl,nor to the from the Owner payment for work cxc"cd and for pmven <br /> Lime within which proceedings may be commenced ao estab- toss with respect to mawriak,equipment,tools.and consuvc- <br /> lish the Contractor's liability with respect to the Conrractoc's Lion equipmen[and machinery,irtckxbng reasonable overhead, <br /> obligations other than speciftcOy to correct the Work_ profit and darnages applicable to[tie Project. <br /> ARTICLE 16 <br /> 20.2 if the Contracwt defaft oc persistently fads of neglects <br /> PWVUWNB to carry out the Work in accordmice with the Contract Doe- <br /> 19.1 The Catt:act strait be mews or full to perform a provision of the Contract, the <br /> giov�erned by the:lawn of rbe phce Owner,after seven days'writtrn notice to the Conttacttar and <br /> where the Project is located. without prepXboe to My OOW feMOdy the Owner may have, <br /> 19.2 As bet. en the Owner aid the Contractor, any app& my m*e good such deficiencies and may deduu the cost <br /> cattle statute of limitations shall commence to run and any thereof, including mad cnece ary the for the Architect's services <br /> Aeged cum of action shall be teemed to have accrued: and�made��may,rtmn�payment theft <br /> .1 not later then the date of Substantial Completion for or opdon.and dire the Carew ob Altee Arc dy,at the Owner's <br /> acts or W urra to act occurring prior to the rckvant use roosts to justify such action,the Owner may serotitlate the: <br /> bate of Substantial C mplee000si. Contact and take possession of the site and of all materials, <br /> .2 not lacer than the date of issuance of the final CertiS Wit.coeds,utd con a wwri equipment and madancry <br /> cox for Payment for acts or bAlut"to a"occur tlg thereon owned by the Co mmmor and may Wbh the Works by <br /> atibwqumt to the mkvam date of Subst uttial Coen. whatever awsbod Me OW1W RWY de m rxpedltxtr. It the <br /> piction and prior to Lssztrmc of the Ent Certtllrlte:for unpaid bahace of the Conuart Sum exceed coats of flablable <br /> fin;and the Wodt,including compe nsadw foe die Architect's services <br /> .8 <br /> not titer rhea the done of the rekvant au or Mum to and expenses made necessary +-x A y, such --I Its shall be <br /> act by the Contractor for acts or failures to act occur- paid to the Contractor,but if such casts cwwd such unpW <br /> ring after the dm of the tidal Cetdd=for Pftym=L byanm the Can=vm&bent pay the difference to the Owner <br /> IT MOOtt�A10?•ABBRI:YI�L 7tat�svM71tFCOriTAAGtt7tlaGRt!>aYaiEMP•htlMttsCrriOM•�ttdw •®t9el <br /> 1Hd AMERICAN tN MTUTP OF ARCHITWTS, 1735 MW YOM AVM4W 1itt,WA2Hn4G7VK D.C.=0006 A107-1867 10 <br /> 11p1iilNetGs ttnYCa[>fad phol000pyiifo•lalataa 09 capp 10rt twws an/b aA0M fo WW p ermeatlaNt <br />
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