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i <br /> 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: May 14 , 1996 <br /> SUBJECT: Orange County-Town of Hillsborough Fire Service Collaboration <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> DEPARTMENT Emergency Management/ PUBLIC HEARING YES NO x <br /> County Manager ------------------------------- <br /> BUDGET AMENDMENT <br /> REQUIRED YES NO x <br /> -------------------------------- ------------------------------- <br /> ATTACHMENT(S) INFORMATION CONTACT <br /> 5/9/96 Issues Paper Nick Waters, ext 3030 <br /> 2/29/96 Hillsborough Town Manager Memo Rod Visser, ext 2300 <br /> 4/21/95 Hillsborough Town Manager Memo TELEPHONE NUMBER <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> PURPOSE: To consider policy decisions on two issues related to fire <br /> prevention and protection involving Orange County and the Town of <br /> Hillsborough. <br /> BACKGROUND: At a March 13, 1996 work session involving the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners and the Hillsborough Board of <br /> Commissioners, elected officials discussed future direction on two <br /> policy issues : first, the question of how long the County should <br /> continue to contract with the Town to perform the State-mandated fire <br /> inspection program on the Town' s behalf; and second, to consider a <br /> proposal from the Town and the Orange Rural Fire Department that the <br /> County contribute funds to pay for a portion of the costs of hiring <br /> three full-time firefighters to serve with the Orange Rural/Town of <br /> Hillsborough fire department . The accompanying paper and memos provide <br /> background and possible courses of action oft these two policy matters. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board of Commissioners <br /> 1) agree to extend the fire inspection contract between the County and <br /> the Town through June 30, ' 1997, with the understanding that the Town <br /> would then undertake fire inspections within its own jurisdiction - the <br /> County would then consider a possible new, limited agreement to provide <br /> continuing technical support on Level III fire inspections; and <br /> 2) consider whether to allocate any additional funds to the Orange <br /> Rural Fire Department - if so, to consider making that allocation a <br /> one-time capital contribution based on proportional value of County <br /> owned property to the entire assessed property value of the entire fire <br /> district . <br />