Agenda - 05-14-1996 - VII-A
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-14-1996
Agenda - 05-14-1996 - VII-A
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Last modified
10/23/2013 3:31:11 PM
Creation date
10/23/2013 3:31:08 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19960514
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1996
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y <br /> • BUSP^ESS ASSISTANCE, RETENTION,AND CREATION <br /> The Orange County Economic Development Commission should aggressively encourage the <br /> start-up, retention, recruitment, and expansion of businesses, especially small businesses, within <br /> Orange County. The role of the EDC is to encourage and assist service providers, to be a service <br /> provider, and to act as an ombudsman and advocate for issues that affect business. <br /> ► The EDC should act as a clearinghouse for small business information and encourage a full <br /> range of services, while discouraging duplication of services. <br /> ► The EDC should develop a marketing plan to distribute small business information with a <br /> goal of reaching all Orange County businesses every two years. <br /> ► Orange County should eliminate barriers that hinder small business' use of training. <br /> ► The EDC should continue funding existing programs like the Small Business and <br /> Technology Development Center and the Women Business Owners'Roundtable and <br /> develop new programs to address specific concerns as needed. <br /> ► The EDC should support existing micro-enterprise programs and fund outreach to citizens <br /> not normally reached. <br /> ► The EDC should provide linkages between government, citizens, and the local business <br /> community. <br /> ► The EDC should recognize the rapid growth of home-based businesses and assist them <br /> with their special needs. <br /> (CHANGE THE ABOVE TO: The EDC should recognize the rapid growth of home-based <br /> businesses and assist them with their special needs as long as local ordinance standards are <br /> not compromised.) <br /> ► The EDC should expand financial options by developing an Orange County loan pool for <br /> small business. <br /> ► The EDC should work with other organizations to continue and expand efforts to promote <br /> "shop local" programs. <br /> ► The EDC should pro-actively encourage new businesses that will further the goals of this <br /> plan. <br /> ► The EDC should work to expand the total land and buildings available for non-residential <br /> use in both County and municipal jurisdictions, to provide opportunities for location of <br /> business and to increase the overall supply, thereby reducing the cost. <br />
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