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12 , <br /> By offering incentives, the plan aims i.e., bonus units resulting from <br /> to encourage types of development open space preserved here cannot <br /> that protect rural character and the be used here, but must be <br /> landowner's economic value. transferred elsewhere; <br /> • the intermediate intensity area is a <br /> Planning Group Recommendations sending and receiving area, i.e., <br /> density bonuses originating here <br /> The Planning Group suggests the can be used here as well as density <br /> following modifications to Flexible from lower intensity areas; <br /> Development to make it specific to • the higher intensity area is a <br /> the Stoney Creek area: receiving area for density <br /> transferred from the lower and <br /> 1) Flexible Development allows a intermediate areas; and <br /> density bonus of an additional • density bonuses created in the <br /> housing unit for every acre of open Stoney Creek area can be utilized <br /> space preserved above the 33% as stated above, but density from <br /> minimum. For Stoney Creek: other areas cannot be transferred <br /> into the Stoney Creek area. <br /> • Up to 50% open space allows half <br /> of the bonus units to be used in the 3) Flexible Development allows 50% <br /> Stoney Creek area (for example, of active recreation land to count <br /> if two bonus units are allowed, one toward open space. The Planning <br /> can be used in the Stoney Creek Group recommends that active <br /> area, but the other has to be used recreation uses continue to be <br /> outside the area); and permitted in the lower intensity areas, <br /> • , preserved open space in excess of but that they not count toward open <br /> 50% permits the owner to use the space. <br /> bonus units wherever desired (for <br /> example, if two bonus units are 4) To encourage the use of Flexible <br /> allowed, both can be used in Development, a package of <br /> Stoney Creek, or one inside and incentives has been included (see <br /> one outside, or both outside). page 12 in the Flexible Development <br /> handout). As an added incentive the <br /> 2) Where density bonuses can be Planning Group recommends <br /> used: expedited review and approval of <br /> projects that preserve large amounts <br /> • The lower intensity area is a of open space and enhance rural <br /> sending area for density bonuses, character. <br />